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  1. shinji

    Subject Advice

    ahhh psht. u don't > me. !! >=/ i have a bad memory.. don't really like reading boring articles.. and yeah. haha i don't have that great writing skills either. So in my opinion; history is a bad subject for me! XD library was cool. studied from 10:40 - 3:30. my hand hurts from excessive...
  2. shinji

    UAI prediction

    Re: UAI predictions! Hmm. i'd advise you to try and get better marks. Those marks aren't going to give you a very high uai ... I'm basing my goals for my subjects off SAM. It gives a pretty good estimate. Better than anyone else can.
  3. shinji

    Subject Advice

    lol. drop it if u want. XD if u rekkon u can get good marks in it; u will! :D although; i'd prefer to take phhysics over modern ... im not ver ygood at history and stuff. i love historical stuff ... but i just don't get good marks in it. XD and btw. ME > School > Maths + Science >...
  4. shinji

    How manyt units did/do you do, and what UAI did/u aim to get?

    and u'd deff. get more than that! :) i'm doing 11 units. aiming for 96+ [heheh high hopes] wanna get into B business/B law @ UTS (UAI 97.5 in 2005) or B Business @ UTS (UAI ~90 in 2005)
  5. shinji

    Assignment help?

    ahh. thanks for your help! thanks so much! ^_^ *gives e-hug* XD
  6. shinji

    Revel With The Course 17th March

    i wouldn't mind going. but way too far for me ... and yeah. record the advanced english speech about emma for me jing! :P and then send it to me / upload it on bos ... hahah XD
  7. shinji

    The "I just had a shit day at school" thread

    u guys are weird. ~_~"' well; i had a pretty good day 2 day. i went to swimming carnival. although; my throat is sore from screaming the "house" war-cry thingy me jigs. yeah. i have 6 50min periods usualli. 5 on monday and 4 on tuesday. i wake up on tuesdays and thursdays at 6am to do...
  8. shinji

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    lol. what am i gonna say? u think im gonna say "omgwtf. u hatez0r business studies? omgsh. u should be hanged" ? lol. well. prett much. haha.
  9. shinji

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    hating physics atm !! >_< such a hard assignment that we've been given. =/ i don't knw where to tget the info from ... it's just so hard!
  10. shinji

    Assignment help?

    hey. i'm currently doing my motors and generators assignment. but im kinda stuck because this is a research task but i cannot find any resources for the question. we have to choose 3 appliances out of 3 columns. I chose: "Power Windows"; "Electric Knife" & a "tumble dryer". my selections...
  11. shinji

    Jerseys for yr 12 2006! (merged)

    im gettin' t0ken!! ^.^ lol; i wanted to get shinji in replacing my name at the front .. but teacher wouldn't allow it. =(
  12. shinji


    i have about .... 9 frees a fortnight. yeah. pretty good; except days when i can actualli sleep in; i have extension1 !! >_< !!!!
  13. shinji

    Help - Droping Subject Need Advice...

    Re: Help - Dropping Subject... Need Advice... as long as u do good in all of ur subjects; no matter what u drop; it wouldn't stop u from achieving your goal.
  14. shinji

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    Re: HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results v1.0 nice work u smart mofo! haha good work brian! XD was it test or assignment?
  15. shinji

    three sciences!! is any1 else doin 3??

    lol. physics is mad subject!! some confusing topics such as: black body radiation; special relativity; etc. but once u get ur head into it; it's all good!
  16. shinji

    Binomial Theorem help?

    oh yeah btw; i looked at the answers; the rTh term is 7. =/; ne way on how to find that out?
  17. shinji

    HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results

    Re: HSC Assessments- Thoughts/Results v1.0 lol andy. ur better off than me.!! English: 1st Assignment : 7/15 ; 7/20 AoS Essay : 7/20 [[ lucky 7? = =;;]] Maths: 1st Exam : 90% . Hoo hah! [ i had "89.5%"; but the teacher miscaculated the percentage (haha ironic XD) and yeah. i got 90% ]...
  18. shinji

    Binomial Theorem help?

    erm. help? o_O'' =/
  19. shinji

    Binomial Theorem help?

    lol thanks for the effort. but i don't really understand this line T(r)/T(15-r)= (2x)(2r-15) * 3(15-2r) (nCk=nC(n-k))
  20. shinji

    A Fitzpatrick Question

    Re: Got Problem?....lets Discuss Here Topic is applications of calculus to the physical world. the question would be: A stone is thrown so that it will hit a bird at the top of a ople. however, at the instant the stone is thrown, the bird flies away in a hoirzontal straight line at a...