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  1. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Dun do it muder is a sin ;) Lol, yes OFC. Lots of people do it so that makes it ok amirite? I also condemn such behaviour as I do homosexuality. Um... yes I do. This thread is about homosexuality, and gay marriage to a lesser extent, not about sex outside of...
  2. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Lol, I even said at the beginning of the post that he should “read this article”, I didn’t write it. I didn’t cite the source incorrectly. And even so it’s not like, Mattew:19:4 is like a completely different verse than Matthew:19:4-5. If you were reading them in a Bible they would flow after...
  3. N


    + 1 Good advice, use your time to get into a solid study routine and work out which subjects you're really keen on for the actual HSC. Dun stress out, everyone is going through the same thing.
  4. N

    Polygamy in Australia...

    Just because the Bible mentions a trait or act of an individual (even a godly person) does not necessarily mean that the scripture endorses such behaviour. For exmaple, the Bible describes Noah becomming drunk and disgracing himself, his behaviour was hardly condoned. The Bible clearly gives...
  5. N

    Polygamy in Australia...

    And so it begins...
  6. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Not marriage, at a Church or elsewhere; marraige = 1 man + 1 women. What a Church's authorities allow or disallow is neither yours nor my buisness (however obviously it will effect those people who attend the Church). It is very possible that if it is legalised, some Churches will accept gay...
  7. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I have always said this; that homosexual couples should be given all the equal "rights" and perks of heterosexual unions (with the notable exception of adoption - and the title of marriage). I don't think anyone has the right to have their relationshiop with their partner recognised by the...
  8. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Disagree. They should definately have the right to be with each other and to have their union legally recognised by the state (this obviously includes the same benefits of heterosexual couples in regards to the law; taxation benefits etc.). In this regard their union is recognised by the state...
  9. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Good question, the technical answer is in recorded scripture; no. Incidentally, the “Jesus never said anything about it” argument is absurd on its face value. He never mentioned pedophilia, bestiality, cannibalism, rape, wife beating or any number of other sins. The only one who would use...
  10. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Sorry about this, but I copy really large posts into word and type them up my responses there before posting, its more stable and like so much easier. No it isn’t - if you vote for gay marriage, then you will be forcing others who view such relationships for what they really are to accept...
  11. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Ok just in general, message for team gay/rights w/e you call yourselves, please just come up with some points as to why gay marriage should be legalised; don't try and pre-empt counter arguements yet - just focus on building a case first. Please.
  12. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You said I was like brought up to believe this for my whole life or w/e. I've been atheist most of my life anyway, only found faith maybe 2 years ago? and for the first 18 months I wasn't really true to it, its only been recenlty that I've "really" started believing if that makes sense...
  13. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Both my parents are Bible-loathing libitarian nutcases like many on these forums. (None of my grandparents are religious either and neither is anyone in my close family). I don't go to a Catholic school, I can't go to Church until I move out. I chose to go to scripture classes after...
  14. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I’m not forcing anything on anyone. I’m giving reasons why I think gay marriage (an oxymoron if ever there were one) should not be introduced. You are doing the opposite, so to be technical you are advocating a lack of morality. And you have yet to raise a substantial and credible case as to...
  15. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    There is nothing wrong with being gay. The Bible teaches that it is wrong to have homosexual sex. This guy failed to address this crucial point. This guy can kid himself all he wants, its pretty clear to be frank that the Bible does not condone homosexuality. I'm not saying gay...
  16. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Lol, k. Yeah, please elaborate later tho when you get a chance. Off topic but, really? Can you provide a citation? Most people I imagine are let out of jail before their scentence expires though (for various reasons; good behaviour, overcrowding, cost of keeping them incarcerated...
  17. N


    Yeah, maybe if they listened to everything the Church said and didn't have sex outside of marriage and only with their partner once married, then they probably wouldn't have this problem. And the stigma associated with contraception in the country among those who do choose to have immoral sex...
  18. N

    Lol no problem ;)

    Lol no problem ;)
  19. N


    How so? I can see your objection if like all religious people were indoctrinated to systematically kill and wipe out people of different religions and/or non believers, but that simply isn't the case (with my religion at least). I can confidently say, that being Christian, no part of my...
  20. N


    Neither can you turn the statement "I believe there is a God" into justification for killing infidels.