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  1. Nanasaurus

    Hackers bring down PM's website

    pretty sure that this is actually really funny. you know... just to put that out there...
  2. Nanasaurus

    What're your standards/criteria?

    well, when I said 'accept me', it was more an 'accept me and my screwed up family as we unfortunately come as a packaged deal. don't run away when dad pulls out weaponry, it's just the test.'
  3. Nanasaurus

    What're your standards/criteria?

    oh, and some kind of creative side is appreciated.
  4. Nanasaurus

    What're your standards/criteria?

    oh, let's see. uhm... pretty much someone who is cleaned properly and dressed appropriately. I like people with open and honest faces, and want someone who will make me laugh and accept me for who I am. Someone that will tell me when something's wrong, so it can be discussed and we can...
  5. Nanasaurus

    Youtube gets flooded with porn in a mass, co-ordinated attack

    i'm thinking that that's INCREDIBLY funny.
  6. Nanasaurus

    What have you eaten today?

    two bits of begemite toast and about the equivalent amount of gummi bears as rell. give or take a few.
  7. Nanasaurus

    Michael Jackson Dead

    BAHAHAHA yeah, I like that theory. let's go with that one.
  8. Nanasaurus

    Common food that YOU have never eaten or avoided.

    I have to eat it, but I LOATHE coriander.
  9. Nanasaurus

    The First Kiss

    urgh. horrible. drunk. messed up. denial. =S
  10. Nanasaurus

    The 'I should have...' Thread

    i should have... ...tried? jj but cereally. I should have done better in math. i should have timed yself better in english. i should have given a definition of the freaking POSTMODERN FRAME! *heavy breathing* this thread is BAD for my mental health. *is wallowing*
  11. Nanasaurus

    Michael Jackson Dead

    this makes me really sad. He was an awesome musician and performer, and he did some awesome stuff, but people can only ever concentrate on the bad, hence jokes made in terrible taste- such as 'he was so plastic he had to be recycled'. =(
  12. Nanasaurus

    Public display of affection

    it's ok, if you're around mates or something. just no tongue. but not around strangers, and not if you're making people uncomfortable!
  13. Nanasaurus

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    food. a tall, hazelnut latte and two packets of lollies which were devoured by my friends at lunch- packet of sour worms and those fruit salad soft jelly things from the natural confectionary company.
  14. Nanasaurus

    Addicted to Facebook?

    i got over facebook in about two weeks. Now i really can't be bothered. but i AM dangerously addicated to THIS site, however. much more interesting than facebook.
  15. Nanasaurus

    Most alleged 'drink spikings' not real, just plain pissed

    ...that's really kind of funny. i mean, drink spiking's not funny- but this is.
  16. Nanasaurus

    Girl claims to "have fallen asleep whilst being tattooed

    oh god. this is why you find someone that speaks your language to do something so permanant.
  17. Nanasaurus

    Who would you turn gay for?

    gay for Liv Tyler, straight for Jared leto
  18. Nanasaurus

    "Paparazzi" Music Video by Lady Gaga

    seriously. why would you make a thread about this? there's already a couple of threads for music vids.
  19. Nanasaurus

    How do we pronounce ATAR?

    hey, I did too. Not on purpose. I wasn't allowed to watch Malcolm in the Middle when it first came on. :( But I know what you mean. i used to watch it covertly while pretending to watch some other channel in a different room. Other kids had to smuggle ice cream. I had to smuggle trashy...