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  1. T

    Main round offers

    I'm nowhere near as anxious for my uni offers as I was for my UAI. For me, I'm more worried about getting into the residential college I applied for at the moment as my plans for this year will be fucked up if I dont get in.
  2. T

    What are you currently Reading?

    Halfway through Knife of Dreams and after that, I bought today Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind which ill read afterwards.
  3. T

    what do i need to bring to uni?

    I had a feeling you were, haha.
  4. T

    Maths bridiging courses at unsw

    My father failed this subject when he did commerce at UNSW. Looks like I'll be doing the same next year...
  5. T

    what do i need to bring to uni?

    Welcome to my world. I wouldn't be too concerned about this because If I can manage to fit my 6'3 frame into a single bed, then you can too. (unless you're taller than me...)
  6. T

    Traveling Overseas long flights

    I'd recommend Singapore Airlnes too. Other good airlines I've been on are Emirates and Cathay Pacific.
  7. T

    what do i need to bring to uni?

    I'm in the same situation as you. Since I used to be at boarding school, you should basically take the following items; - Toiletries (I never liked borrowing other people's toothpaste or using the soap that everyone else uses in the showers) - Clothes (Obviously) - A computer if you have...
  8. T

    can you give me your opinion??? thanks :)

    This basically all the advice you'll need!
  9. T

    Who Didn't Go To Their Formal?

    I never went to my year 10 formal for a variety of reasons (no date, no transport and no real good friends to go with). In regard to my year 12 formal, I was gonna skip that too but my situation had changed as I had made some good mates (one of them supplying me with a date). As such, I didnt...
  10. T

    What are you currently Reading?

    WOT Book 11: The Knife of Dreams Actually, now that I thought about it, I might go and start reading it now!
  11. T

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    I just bought WOT Book 11: Knife of Dreams
  12. T

    Class of 06: what uni/course u doing ?

    Most probably doing BCommerce/BSocial Science at UNSW
  13. T

    06ers (and others I spose): Are you still talking to your school friends?

    I only started living in Sydney about 3 years ago and I can say now, I didn't cope too well having to deal with both 'snobby kids' and 'stupid bogans' whom were unfortunately, the 2 main groups in my high school. Coming from an international school overseas where 'everyone' is completely...
  14. T

    What was your parents & family reaction to your UAI?

    That sentence may have been a little misleading. I didnt get a scholarship, it was my father who did.
  15. T

    What was your parents & family reaction to your UAI?

    It's not really fair when Asian parents place such huge expectations on their children to succeed. I think it is actually achieving the opposite of what the parents are intending for their child. I myself have an Asian parent whom is my father (my mother is Fijian) who came from nothing and was...
  16. T

    Best Open Day

    What residential college are you applying for?
  17. T

    UAI cutoff worries

    DFEE means 'Domestic Fee'. It just means that you're paying the full amount of tuition for your degree annually as oppposed to CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) which is when the government subsidises your uni fees and you just have to pay a small contribution (otherwise known as HECS)...
  18. T

    games have a story as well...

    Not a bad idea using video game plots for english. When they ask you for techniques, you can just crap on about what resolution you're playing it at and the enemy AI.
  19. T


    I thought the 'Emperor Nazzi Gorring' quote was a reference to 'nasi goreng', a south-east asian version of fried rice? Never thought it was referring to Hermann Goring, haha.
  20. T

    Best Open Day

    I'll be doing eco if i dont get into commerce. But for the moment, more concerned about getting my offer from one of the UNSW residential colleges I applied for