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  1. soloooooo


    Any post office will accept it if you print out the payment form (with the barcode thing on it).
  2. soloooooo

    Things to do between breaks?

    Drivebys. You are in the 'correct' stereotypical area for that at least.
  3. soloooooo

    Transit officers to be replaced by Police

    I fail to see how this is a good thing. 450 transport guards are being laid off and 300 new police will be hired to police public transport instead. Sure, police are more effective although that is still a net decrease of 150 people working to protect others on public transport.
  4. soloooooo

    Aboriginals Recognised in Constitution

    Andrew bolt was silenced on this very issue.
  5. soloooooo

    Why do school kids get free train passes while uni students don't?

    higher % population educated => more service based economy & higher GDP
  6. soloooooo

    Why do school kids get free train passes while uni students don't?

    Half priced transport is still alright really. It should be cheaper for everyone though overall.
  7. soloooooo

    Drug Legalisation

    Pot should be legal to posses and cultivate in small quantities although still illegal to distribute.
  8. soloooooo

    The legality of torrenting...

    Does not compute? Torrenting does not cost the record company mopey if the person downloading the torrent had no intention of ever purchasing the material in the first place. A hooker flashing her tits to a prospective client to prove she is not a cop does not cost any money and no one is out...
  9. soloooooo

    POLITICAL TRAP: Gillard, Abbott hide from angry protesters

    The burning of the Australian flag was disgusting. A priority for parliament now that it is sitting again should be for both sides of the house to unanimously support legislation making the vandalism of the Australian flag a criminal offense.
  10. soloooooo

    The legality of torrenting...

    Everyone does it.
  11. soloooooo

    Republican Primaries

    Romney is a douche and is unable to beat Obama even given Obamas poor performance. Santorums anti gay ads haven't helped him. he is likeable though. Gingrinch is not very likeable and much of the GOP despise him. Ron Paul is a footnote only and is no chance. Romney will probably win the...
  12. soloooooo

    Australian Politics

    I am getting bloody sick of Julia Gillard. It is time the Labor members showed some courage and brought back Kevin Rudd as leader, even if it is only to save many of their own seats.
  13. soloooooo

    Egypt Soccer Riots

    Disgusting events.
  14. soloooooo

    Underage at O-week

    There are plenty of parties with alcohol for everyone, just not at licensed venues.
  15. soloooooo

    Underage at O-week

    Under 18 => approaching limit of 1/infinity chance of getting in
  16. soloooooo

    Maths Readiness Survey and another random Q about classes

    A friend of mine failed the math modelling (either 1 or 2, not sure) last year so don't slack off with it.
  17. soloooooo

    Valentines Day

    Forever alone dude. You still have time to change it though.
  18. soloooooo


    It will go on HECS soon (if you are eligible). Probably just hasn't been updated for your friend yet.
  19. soloooooo

    Are textbooks available in electronic form?

    Search torrent and other similar sites for them, pretty much every textbook from the last 10 years (inc. 2012) can be found online. Then if it is good you can also buy a physical copy if you want.
  20. soloooooo


    You will learn to space them out. A crack whore doesn't snort all her crack at once. She snorts some then leaves the rest for the next day to maintain the high not just get unconscious initially.