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  1. Pace_T

    An article about... Huh? What?

    yeah well what do you expect. these newspapers are using words that havent been used for fucking centuries. cant they explain things in plain english so we can all understand? its so frustrating!!!
  2. Pace_T

    My First Laptop

    fucken relax about the ram you can upgrade it whenever you want, geez mine runs exactly the same as my cousins laptop which is almost identical in specs (same brand too) but has 2x 1gb ram sticks and mine has 2x 512mb. both in applications and games. in the near future if you find it slow, you...
  3. Pace_T

    question about gen ed for summer session!

    from what ive heard about those two courses, aparenly they are really shit hehe. bare in mind i think closing date is soon if it hasnt passed already :confused:
  4. Pace_T

    i need to gain weight FAST!

    well you wouldnt have it now anyway. only when you're not skinny anymore - thats when you might notice cellulite :)
  5. Pace_T

    Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate

    i agree 100%. i can eat 100000 milkybars in one sitting. that cadbury dream or whatever its called tastes crap tho. i realy hate dark chocolate. it grosses me out, i cant believe some people eat it :eek:
  6. Pace_T

    i need to gain weight FAST!

    i tried putting on weight heaps fast wen i was working at maccas. eating it everyday and on the days i wasnt working i was eating all the stock i took when i had close :D did nothing for me. i found eating a proper diet and not eating that rubbish slowly helped me naturally move toward a...
  7. Pace_T

    general UNSW chit-chat

    so i reckon i failed my fucken exam today. stupid whore of a tutor gave me a shit mark for internal assessments which isnt going to help. she just hates me and loves other students. if i fail by a small margin im going to report that fucker and ask for a pass mark. why should i have to waste...
  8. Pace_T

    statesmans and fairlanes with "HC" number plates

    i asked this guy about it since his dads a cop and he said it stands for 'hire car' i see them all the time on the way to uni. mostly with the number 7** on mercs etc as well
  9. Pace_T

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    umm getting a car that doesnt break down all the time doesnt mean a guy has to go out and buy the girliest car ever..............
  10. Pace_T

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    a guy dirving a yaris??? HAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. Pace_T

    how to get over an ex?

    a lot of stupid posts in this thread.... just find a new girl to muck around with, you'll forget ur ex in no time!
  12. Pace_T

    My First Laptop

    my laptop came with vista and i think its the best operating system so far. of course if you buy a shit laptop vista will make it go slow but mine goes fast :D
  13. Pace_T

    Finance is crap

    yeah well of course anyone doing business law as their other major is going to like finance, lol. thats why i like accounting, which is actually crap also.
  14. Pace_T

    Accounting Cadetships

    i think you've been very ill informed if you think you'll have free time on weekends and during nights LOL. doing a cadetship means working your butt off for 4 or 5 years. keeping up in uni + working as a cadet = doing uni work all weekend. but thats assuming its part time uni and part time...
  15. Pace_T

    Accounting Cadetships

    cadetships suck in my opinion. u have to work a lot and is very distracting. + being guaranteed a job in accounting isnt much to brag about, its hard not to get a job in this field, there's so many job vacancies for accountants. also the pay is so shit, im glad i didnt accept mine when i...
  16. Pace_T

    UNSW cheer squad!!

    you know, ive always wanted to become a cheerleader
  17. Pace_T

    Summer session?

    yea u can i enrolled in 2x3uoc geneds online over summer which should be a breeze hopefully, just look them up where it would say when their times are on and it will tell u its based online.
  18. Pace_T

    Range of Speed Camera

    fkn red p platers... most of em i see on the road are crazy drivers anyway prob best if you didnt have ur license :p
  19. Pace_T

    Range of Speed Camera

    yea watch out for the lines, its them that catch u out ive gone over the speed limit in front of so many speed cameras but slow down right before i reach those lines (which are a good 10m away from the camera) so its ok. thats y speed cameras for traffic going on the opposite direct dont catch...
  20. Pace_T

    How to tone up the stomach?

    not necessarily, some girls have fat build up on their legs and asses first, before their stomachs. and the girls with those types of bodies are the luckier ones ;)