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Search results

  1. zdzislaw

    so who's doing History Extension?

    Heck yes am I doing history extension! Hear the scaling is crap though... Anyone care to elaborate?
  2. zdzislaw

    Which of my 6 subjects should i drop?

    For joke value coz everyone is being so serious.... Drop Software Design and Development. =) Good luck.
  3. zdzislaw

    Holiday Homework

    Ext English: Creative writing...DONE XD! Maths: Revision, esp on trig >.< Chem: Revision Bio: Study for topic test Economics: Notes...typing hopefully Modern: Essay.."I am a patsy!" Discuss Oswald's claim. Can it get any easier?? =P Pretty confident and up-to-date!
  4. zdzislaw

    what makes james ruse better than other schools??

    It's stereotypical asians that study hard all the time, get 99's, have pathetic social lives, etc. My azn friends are the biggest party animals ever. If anything I'm more nerdy than them. >.<
  5. zdzislaw


    C'mon guys I believe in you all. Next year it's my turn to whinge bout HSC...bugger. Dreading it =)
  6. zdzislaw

    motivation for Trials 2007

    Ouch hopeles5ly *hi-5*
  7. zdzislaw

    medicine [mbbs]

    Reach for the heavens bro...coz even if you miss, you'll land among the stars... =] Omg...how corny ^_^
  8. zdzislaw

    Most interesting course offered by BOS!

    English and english ext. Coz it's the one subject I can kick ass in and ace. I also LOVE modern history and bio...it just fasinates me. Economics is good....can really apply it to the 'real' world I guess
  9. zdzislaw


    What would we do without Without Wings oh-so-assuring replies? =]
  10. zdzislaw

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? Prove them wrong....prove them all wrong. =] I...am going to do a law/commerce degree (combined) at UNSW or USYD. Afterwards....an international top tier law firm and work my way up the corporate ladder. Either that or...
  11. zdzislaw

    Half yearly marks and ranks + thoughts

    I'm only it year 11...so not as signifigant but yerr...lol. Maths: 83 9th English....not received Biology: 93 2nd.. Chemistry: 62 >.< 18th Economics: 76 4th Modern History: 82 1st Oh...i had a shocker lol
  12. zdzislaw

    Moving to sydney-eastern suburbs after HSC 2007.

    What the hell? Is there even a point to this thread?
  13. zdzislaw

    Why we need religion....

    Is it right that religion is the cause of so much worldwide suffering, emotional angst and disgustinly financial hardship? The bible is against all of these things, religion is simply another business with the facade of a innocence and purity religion somehow gives it.
  14. zdzislaw

    Maths book

    Mmm...I agree with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ My sis got a UAI of 99.6 by studying off them....although she is incredibly smart =]
  15. zdzislaw

    Maths book

    Cambridge is good Coroneos is on the same level Do you make note of the questions you have trouble with when doing the homework? You should, so then you can come back on them....it's a good idea. Ciao
  16. zdzislaw

    Don't you just have that gut feeling?

    Just for the sake of balance us 'james Ruse chinese kids' work damn hard for our marks...if you work hard, you too can get a fantastic UAI..but you have to work DAMN IT!! WORK! WORK! WORK! :) Hope i motivated you
  17. zdzislaw

    Deaf black lesbian accused of chainsaw murder

    Ok, that was random. Does this actually qualify as 'journalism' i mean where is our country, nay, our entire gloabal population heading if this type of rubbish keeps coming up time and time again. They turned what was potentially a devastating and significant event into a laughing stock...
  18. zdzislaw

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Probably english extension and english advanced....good stuff plus how can you NOT love Dracula? Modern History whilst dull is relatively easy to get good marks.... P.S. How damn hectic is Mika's Grace Kelly??:)
  19. zdzislaw

    which uni?

    Sorry, but is that supposed to mean that UNSW commerce is better than at USYD...what bout law?
  20. zdzislaw

    which uni?

    Thanks jemsta :)