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  1. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    Hi guys I went to school today and it was pretty uneventful ^____^
  2. Jachie

    driving test?

    Shit. I should really get my Ps soon eh. But I'm going to fail anyway, there wouldn't be much point :(
  3. Jachie

    UNSW Engineering Day

    Mmm, nah.
  4. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    I'll repeat myself for what, the fourth time now? The student in case 1 would get his or her results scaled UP. While Aboriginal Studies might pull down Case 2 slightly since as far as I’m aware that’s the only subject there that’s capped, the rest would not have any major detrimental effect...
  5. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    Oh Jesus, how many times can I explain this to you? People pick high-scaling subjects because it scales them UP. Their 86 could be scaled up to a 93. This doesn't mean that you can't do well in medium-to-low-scaling subjects, where a 92 will most likely still remain a 92. It just doesn't scale...
  6. Jachie

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: wat u guys plannin 2 do afta hsc Mrrrr, the sad thing is I probably have the potential to get something like 98. I just can't be fucked putting effort into school, my teachers always remind me that it's the hard working students who get decent UAIs, not necessarily the smart ones :( But...
  7. Jachie

    Subjects: Biology vs Ext Maths

    so's english, you might want to give it a try sometime.
  8. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    Because theoretically, anyone who can get a Band 6 in Standard English and General Math would be able to handle Advanced/2U easily. And if you think you can cope with extension courses, why wouldn't you pick it up? Maybe you a) want to be challenged or b) want it to scale your mark up. There are...
  9. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    It's true, no matter what theoretical situation you come up with. I have a friend who got a UAI of 99.4 with Drama and Business Studies. Do well in all your units and you do well, period.
  10. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    If you're that confident in doing well in your other subjects then drop Business. But if you think you'll need a backup, I'd keep it, at least for the time being until you can be sure of how you'll do in your other units.
  11. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    Yeah, except all of the subjects you mentioned scale UP. If you picked up Business thinking it'd scale the same way Physics does, you were kidding yourself. I don't really get what you're asking in this thread. You want to drop Business because it's the lowest scaling subject you've got. Well...
  12. Jachie

    :S Need help on my Year 12 subject selections.

    Maybe no one got 100 in Business last year.
  13. Jachie

    Yay I got my P's

    Re: How was your school day? Manuals are fucking overrated. Autos get me from from Point A to Point B, I'm perfectly content. edit lol
  14. Jachie

    urgent dillema!!!

    scaling isn't really important, what matters is how well you personally go in both subjects, and how much you enjoy them.
  15. Jachie

    How'd everyone go in their prelims?

    I don't know. I only have my Ancient, Economics and Legal results. Legal was okay, Ancient was pretty shocking but I'm dropping it so I don't really care and Economics was fucking embarassing, apparently the teachers were really disappointed since the average was like 60% (I got 55% ^___^) and...
  16. Jachie

    Subjects: Biology vs Ext Maths

    They're both shit subjects But drop Bio because it'll give you less units and more frees and MX1 will supposedly help you with 2u and even if you fail miserably it won't even matter because it will be your eleventh unit. Plus, bio is aids so listen to my advice if you want to truly maximise...
  17. Jachie

    Dear HSC - A Letter to BOS

    your blog is kind of shit, no offense man, it just isn't that good
  18. Jachie

    Anti-Stress and Relaxation Hobbies

    Hahahaha I love it when girls are like "lol I hate shopping, I'm so against the grain and down to earth". Believe it or not, not everyone who enjoys the odd purchase is a vaucous brainless bimbo.
  19. Jachie

    heaps of units..

    Define heaps. I have a friend doing 14, but that's because she picked up MX2 and didn't know what she wanted to drop. But she'll probably drop Chemistry like the true hero she is, so it all evens out eh
  20. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    Nah, Inner Journeys for me. I wouldn't have minded imaginary, but I thank baby jesus I didn't get Physical Journeys, that would have been aids. Oi Fish Sauce, cheers for the rec man, it sounds fantastic. I'll definitely check it out :)