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  1. Pace_T

    No one thinks big of you ad

    did anyone see that report on tv about how the american police officers squash racer's cars into a little cube right in front of them. i think thats an effective way of dealing with ppl who race/speed etc some of my friends who drive sporty fast cars, speed and what not would cringe to even see...
  2. Pace_T

    Most commonly craved food?

    chocolate or icecream!!!!!!!! its better than sex :uhhuh:
  3. Pace_T

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    yep! sounds bitchy to me :D
  4. Pace_T

    Red P test question

    the day u get ur p's is such a momentous day, i bet u'll remember all of this for many many years!! i remember mine. i slept in and my instructor (i did everything thru him) called up and was like screaming at me to get up and go do the test. after i passed i had to go get my foto taken but my...
  5. Pace_T

    Need a girlfriend for my formal

    a;lways talking ur self up
  6. Pace_T

    Asian guys going out with non-asian girls?

    i only noe of 1 guy who was non asian and he dated an asian. but she was very westernised or whatever u call it. she was the type of ganger that got everyones attention when she walked in the room. but since i started uni ive seen non asian guys dating asian girls. no offense but they seem like...
  7. Pace_T

    My mates V8 skyline

    big fucken woop. have u seen my mates v12 corolla?? it flies, fucken
  8. Pace_T

    The flu

    omg thats soooo slack... everyone around me at the moment is sick i really hope i dont get sick aswell. i get paranoid whenver i sneeze or have a bit of a sort throat
  9. Pace_T

    Long distance relationships.. A smooth transition to living together?

    heres my tip of the day folks: dont bother taking advice from anybody who cant even spell the word habit.....
  10. Pace_T

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    LOL haha that is SO true!!
  11. Pace_T

    A Complicated Situation

    if u do sumfing about it shes gona avoid u if she doesnt have the same feelings for u (which is most probably the case) and ur 'mate' is probably gona hate u aswell best bet is to just leave it be
  12. Pace_T

    Dawn fill, Night fill, after school casual positions...

    working as a checkout chick is the WORST job in the world, dude
  13. Pace_T

    Nose Piercings

    nose peircings belong on disgusting fat bogan bitches who are VERY unnattractive. only a very few ppl who have a nose peircing actualy suit it and most of them like ciel said r curries!
  14. Pace_T

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    gosh, my life is really awesome at the moment!
  15. Pace_T

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    when i think of a girl from an all girls skool i think of a quiet shy girl who is lacking a bit in the social department. how can u actually 'grow' in a single sex skool? there's none of that interaction between guys and girls like there is in mixed skools. and from what ive noticed girls that...
  16. Pace_T

    so bored in life

    i noe heaps of ppl who didnt go to uni but dont do manual labour. they work in offices they scored pretty well i reckon compared 2 sum other ppl i know studying their asses off for a useless arts degree or slaving away in a manual labour job
  17. Pace_T

    what does it mean when you say you are in love?

    couldnt agree more! for those who've been in long term relationships will notice how they mean different things when they say it over time :)
  18. Pace_T

    Long distance relationships.. A smooth transition to living together?

    just becoz of what happend 2 ur friend doesnt mean the same is gona happen 2 this chick..... as for the toilet seat being down, y dont the girls just leave it up instead of guys leaving it down? damn bitches!!!!! inequality it is
  19. Pace_T

    Long distance relationships.. A smooth transition to living together?

    whether u move in suddenly or have a slow transition, either way its gona end up the same way. e ither u can live with him or u cant. if u move in suddenly it'll just make u realise quicker. with that said though, its definately hell living with most guys, so get ready to crash and burn
  20. Pace_T

    Looking for love...

    poor lil birdie, it must be hunting season haha