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Search results

  1. Jachie

    How to make friends?

    My advice? get the fuck over it. even better: if comments on a forum from strangers you've never met in your life are going to affect you to this extent, get off the fucking Internet.
  2. Jachie

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? actually, considering I don't even know what course I want to do, no, there's surely not. :rolleyes:
  3. Jachie

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? poll should be multiple choice. very displeased.
  4. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    yeah, ace. stand around in line for over two hours instead of just walking into kmart or target and getting it cheaper anyway, and you'll get a free stuffed toy! WINRAR!
  5. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    it's pretty shit, I reckon. I fucking hated the epilogue.
  6. Jachie


    man, that epilogue is a piece of shit. I wanted Ginny dead, Harry dead and Snape ALIVE damnit. :mad: also disappointed Minerva wasn't the back-stabbing, death-eating traitor the conspiracy theorists convinced me she was. damn you JKR, for not being half as brilliant as half your fans.
  7. Jachie

    I think my parents are about to split up...

    hay man, apply for EAS and cite family disruptance.
  8. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    Yeah, my mum got the harry potter book for me around midday from kmart. she just strolled in and picked up one of the 198,000 copies they had. That is why people who pre-order are fucking stupid. you don't get that much of a discount, no matter what they tell you - in fact, I'm pretty sure I got...
  9. Jachie

    What to drop?

    simple. drop both of them. nothing good has ever come out of biology and/or mathematics.
  10. Jachie

    Units to Study For HSC Year

    Re: Units to Study Listen to your heart. Drop maths.
  11. Jachie

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? hornsby pride, yo :o
  12. Jachie

    Opposition to the Concept of Marriage.

    Who are you George Bendeguz?
  13. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    hey. I always enjoyed going to hurstville :( (this could, of course, be because the last time I went I was about twelve) EDIT: nah man, they're pretty laid-back as far as parents go. I just don't know how easy going they'd still be if I told them I was going on a crawl in the city with...
  14. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    please, be gentle with me. I am rather upset :( nah, i was actually just thinking of coming clean and telling her I was going to a party, because chances are she wouldn't have had a problem with that (I would of course conveniently leave out details on where this party was, who it was with...
  15. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    I told my mum I was going to stay over at a mate's house to work on an assessment.... only for my mum to remind me that I had already told her about how that particular friend was really really sick and had been away from school all week. :o
  16. Jachie

    Units to Study For HSC Year

    Re: Units to Study dude, my friend is planning on doing FOUR majors. we try to tell her, but nooo. she's convinced she can do it.
  17. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    My cover story was kind of blown, so rather than keep the lie spinning I just gave up. :( oh well, there's always a next time. lol i c wat u did thur
  18. Jachie

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    my predictions (read: hopes) - Harry dies - Voldermort dies - Minerva is baaaaaaaad - Snape is good that's all I really care about.
  19. Jachie

    How was your school day?

    my sister dislocated her shoulder once. My dad was swinging her around by the arms and then, pop! load up on them painkillers, cal. Today was fucking FREEZING. our school declared lunch as 'wet weather conditions' just because it was cold. atm i'm just sitting here all emo cause I'm...
  20. Jachie

    How to make friends?

    good going man, it's great to see that you think running around this site bitching about people is an effective way to earn respect. A+