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Search results

  1. Pace_T

    2004 HSC shipwrecks

    higher on the page higher emf value means its going down the page right? (because it goes more positive) thx
  2. Pace_T

    2004 HSC shipwrecks

    this is the way i answered it; at the anode, the highest one in the reduction potential list is oxidised so thats Br- --> 1/2Br2(l) + e- at the cathode the lowest one in the reduction potential list is reduced which is H2O + 2e- --> 1/2H2(g) + OH- now i dunno why in successone it says...
  3. Pace_T

    Multimedia Study thread

    doesnt the equation give it it in bits, then divide by 8x1024 to give kilobytes to go from kilobytes to megabytes u divide by just 1024 not by both 1024 and 8
  4. Pace_T

    WWI in 2005!!

    hey all wat do u think is going to be in the ww1 section for this year's HSC paper based on past exam questions?? im guessing it might be the battles (somme, verdun etc) what do u think?
  5. Pace_T

    BMW mods in sydney

    hey all i was wondering if u know of any businesses in sydney that stock or can order bmw modified parts for example kits and wheels etc thanks heaps.
  6. Pace_T

    Is anyone doing anything at school

    ye i do jack shit at school too i finished most of my courses at the beginning of this term except for business which we finished on friday i just muck around at school now coz i know its almost finsihed and i betta make the most of it lol
  7. Pace_T

    Proving Something ...

    hmmphh i can put it in words as well but im guessing the two circles touch, therefore they have the same tangent at that point a tangent to the radius is 90degrees hence the sum of both of the angles formed is 180degrees hence it is a st. line on the point .'. the line passes thru the point...
  8. Pace_T


    today i was told that it went from 25 to 20% discount now still fairly good methinks
  9. Pace_T


    thx so much u cleared it up for me perfectly
  10. Pace_T

    little help plz

    hmm ye thats what i was thinking thx eerbody
  11. Pace_T


    hey all wahts all the differences between dfee and csp whats the benefits of each one i dun understand them also, is there two different csp payment methods, something like up front and something else i dun know thx
  12. Pace_T

    little help plz

    yea thats right but i dun understand what about CCVCVCVCV and VCVCVCVCC (that is, the vowels shift to the left and the right)?? woah i am totally confused here thx
  13. Pace_T

    little help plz

    hey all i dun understand this question: Find the number of ways in which the letters of the word EXTENSION can be arranged in a straight line so that no two vowels are next to each other. i got the answer but i dont know how they got that its from the 2001 cssa paper thx
  14. Pace_T

    Who came first in their ipt class :D

    haha i came first as well my class isnt all that smart so i just bludge in it and do nuffin every lesson lol i dunno my final mark i think its around 90 but i cant be bothered calculating it. second would be around 60 anyway so it makes no difference lol there's only 7 ppl in my class any way...
  15. Pace_T

    i HATE maths

    my WHOLE year that does general maths failed the trial. lol. luckily i dnt do general maths :p
  16. Pace_T

    Need help with Alpha and Beta

    ive never asked myself this but ill try to asnwer it logically quadratic eqn = ax^2 - x(sum of roots) + product of roots = ax^2 - bx + c roots = -b/a = sum of roots c/a = product of roots or some shit like that i dunno lol
  17. Pace_T

    Class of 05 Post up your trial results

    eng std - 90 1st maths adv - 99 1st maths ext 94 1st ipt - 80 1st modern 84 2nd business 93 1st chem 84 1st hmm ok results methinks
  18. Pace_T

    trial exams

    hey does anyone have the solutions to the 2001 cssa exam or have the stansw 2001 and 2002 trials? thanks!!
  19. Pace_T

    independent paper 05

    The exam had many ambiguous questions. There were many other questions that seemed totally out of the syllabus. I didn't go that well, although I looked at the 2004 independent paper and that was oh so much easier. I am yet to look at other independent papers to see if it was just this year's...
  20. Pace_T

    Studying From Now - One Lost Boy

    err.. congratulations?