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  1. Katsumi

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    > Not 2014 > 2014's graphics are better > 2014's storyline is fun
  2. Katsumi

    dan's final stage 5 notes

    Wait there was this much content in year 10 IST... I got an A and did absolutely nothing but play games and watch anime in class how the
  3. Katsumi

    Year 10 Finals Notes and Past Papers

    So stressed omg
  4. Katsumi

    Dropping to Standard

    My class with 1 advanced dropout outperformed the class with >5 in every single exam. The entire top 7 of Standard consisted of only Standard students from the beginning (and if you are not in the top 5 of Standard English ripatar)
  5. Katsumi

    Dropping to Standard

    Standard is also geared at students with low ATAR aims, so if you drop be ready to become part of a disruptive class and have fun self teaching yourself most of the content
  6. Katsumi

    Repeating year 12

    I'd rather spend 2 years in TAFE or go to UWS College than repeat year 12. Like looking back on it... it was fun and all but i don't think i am up for another round honestly.
  7. Katsumi

    Using other notes vs making your own?

    I personally like making my own notes, yet modelling them off other peoples notes. Business - I made my own detailed syllabus notes that i uploaded not too long ago. Yet i used a 2012 state rankers notes as a quality standard and took some pretty helpful hints off them. Made the entire...
  8. Katsumi

    Information and Digital Technology

    i surprisingly haven't given up yet
  9. Katsumi

    Dropping to Standard

    Standard is not an easier subject, that is really just a common preconception in my opinion. Your chances of getting a band 6 in Standard are significantly lower than getting a band 6 in Advanced (you are looking for 14/15 in each paper-1 section and 18/20 in each module section as a minimum) so...
  10. Katsumi


    Well Studying did kind of occupy you... like it wasn't fun but while we said it was 'boring' you come to realize that it was a lot better than staring at a wall doing nothing (most of the time) And OP, give it a few days. You should be fine
  11. Katsumi

    State Rank?

    I'd think around the range of 92-95 from what i have seen
  12. Katsumi

    Section IV: Extended Response

    hmm... you will very likely get marks for writing about the others, but they where explicitly looking for elements of the promotion mix i would think. But honestly, if you wrote something like how packaging will lead to word of mouth advertising/customer relationships i feel that that will still...
  13. Katsumi

    Atar release date?

    ATAR releases be like the first day of the steam sales though. They are out at 3am but you can't load the page until 9
  14. Katsumi

    Information and Digital Technology

    fuck i would love to see band 1 sample answers for this question
  15. Katsumi

    Honestly... i didn't find the work that great, it was tedious and repetitive. But due to doing...

    Honestly... i didn't find the work that great, it was tedious and repetitive. But due to doing standard i kept the same teacher for 3 years consecutively. This teacher knew about my general lack of motivation and the fact that i used to be socially awkward as fuck and worked around it, making me...
  16. Katsumi

    Past HSC'ers: How did you results reflect your expectations?

    Very interested in how IPT will be marked this year that shit was really broad... like the broadest exam i have done to date
  17. Katsumi

    Real talk: What is the point in English?

    I learned more bullshitting in business than i ever did in English. English increased my vocabulary and ability to rote learn. Having to rote essays word for word helped me remember things and i can prob pass the application stage of a job interview now
  18. Katsumi

    2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi

    Update 29/10/14 - 05/11/14 Going to give this journal one more kick before i finish up for good in hopes that i can put in enough work to easily secure a band 6 in Information and Digital Technology Schedule 29th Last section of Install and Optimize Operating System Software Run...