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  1. melsc

    Ppls who wanna chat to study 4 yearly exams

    Hey ppls ne one wanna chat/ discuss to help revise 4 yearlies... POST UR MESSAGES AND LETS LEARN WHILE WE CHAT! These are my subjects: *English Advanced (AOS) Identity (Crit Std) Othello (Comp study) The Great Gatbsy/ The Talented Mr Ripley *Maths (2u) (up 2 functions) *Legal...
  2. melsc

    Computer DYING!

    Do ur self a favour and fork our the money for a new version of norton or some verison of anti-virius software... if u dun have up to date software and definitions any viriuses or nasty programs can get thro....so in the end its worth the money and it will safe u a lot of probs....
  3. melsc

    SC mark!!

    (2003) English: 88 Maths: 82 Science: 89 History: 92 Geography: 85
  4. melsc

    speech Dilemma

    English teachers want you to follow PAL (purpose audience and language). Think about WHO you are talking to which is yr 11 students (they are the audience) what is the PURPOSE of the assessment (ie wat r u supposed to b talking abt) and what language is a appropriate. Teachers don't generally...
  5. melsc

    Othello assesment

    Oh Honest Iago...the dramatic irony of it all
  6. melsc

    Othello assesment

    I do othello 2 we should swap our notes 4 the yearlies...
  7. melsc

    The Great Gatsby/Talented Mr Ripley Comparative Study

    sure!!! i havent typed them yet but i will by tues or wed coz mai yearly is nxt week...we have three essays and one is on compartaive study.... arg after the speaches if i have to hear the following lines again i will die! "It's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody" "Can't repeat...
  8. melsc

    Need Help!!!! Seriously!!!

    Use ur games as a reward... 4 example for every 1hr u study play games 4 1/2 an hr or something that way you get to study and play ur games also... Also no one can make ur self give up ur games u have to do it urself..at least try and cut down on them lil by lil and think about Y u need to cut...
  9. melsc

    The Great Gatsby/Talented Mr Ripley Comparative Study

    yep, a speach on what we gained from comp study...do u like it? wanna talk abt it?
  10. melsc

    Parle moi da toi meme...

    I was just wondering, for the speaking exam for the HSC if the examiner says something like "Parle moi da toi meme?" or "Tu t'appelle comment?" can u answer with ur name etc...because my english teacher was saying that in english examns you shouldnt put any personal details in e.g a letter coz...
  11. melsc

    Alternatives 2 achiveing 95+ UAI

    What exaclly are you implying
  12. melsc

    Alternatives 2 achiveing 95+ UAI

    What are the other alternatives for entrance to Combined Law bsides the 95+ UAI...is there anything you can do to get in?
  13. melsc


    Also look up Australian Safeway Stores Pty Ltd v Zaluzna (1987) 162 CLR 479 Ghantons v Hawkesbury City Council (2001) 206 CLR 512 Hope it helps
  14. melsc


    you can also prove contributory negligence...that the plaintiff actually contributed to the act and therefore is partly responsible. Then the damages are decreased by the amount by which the plaintiff was responsible.
  15. melsc

    fake cases for tests

    U shld b careful if u do...my legal teacher actually did a B laws and when i asked him abt a case 4 mock trial he knew it off the top of his head...also most teachers know the syllabus pretty well and know wat cases are relevant etc... only do this as a last resort
  16. melsc

    prelim notes-anyone!?

    Me 2 ...wen r urs??? mine is fri 10th sept..is urs gonna b an independant?
  17. melsc

    Formation of Subjuctive Tense

    Thanks alot, that cleared it up 4 me...i know it a hard tense by my teach insists we learn it to give our essays a 'boost' and make them more sophisticated...ahh well mayb it will make me look smarter in the HSC nxt yr Lol we'll he isnt really my idol...
  18. melsc

    English Advanced

    I talked to my teacher and she said (just like english teachers always cryptic) "u'd b @ an advantaged to stay in advanced...but u'll have to fiz ur writting either way"...BUt i have never had a probel with writing b4 this yr
  19. melsc

    Scalling & my subjects

    Heya...i dont want a prediction of my UAI *waits 4 sigh of relief* but i would like to know if my subjects will b scalled up or down (aprox) I would b so greatful if someone could just give me a general idea abt how they scalled PLS PLS PLS & THx * 10000000 Eng adv (34/171) (ranks) Maths 2u...
  20. melsc

    Formation of Subjuctive Tense

    Does anyone know all the formations of the Subjunctive tense... all i need is perfect, present and future