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  1. enigma_1

    HELP! Qantas Marketing Strategies suggestions?

    check out nerdasdasd's sig
  2. enigma_1

    What is a viewing/reppresenting task in english?

    We have to write an essay that we've planned in a viewing/rep task. How is this possible? It's on Mod A, but how can they show us something and then we write about that? Confused, sorry. Does anyone know how this assessment works? Coz mod a is about different contexts.
  3. enigma_1

    Relationship between appreciation and inflation and unemployment.

    a) As the AUD appreciates, our exports become more expensive for foreign countries and hence it reduces our competitiveness. But, our imports become cheaper. So, M>X which increases Australian consumers' purchasing power parities (ie we can buy more of the same amount of goods). This is...
  4. enigma_1

    How to ask this person out?

  5. enigma_1

    How to ask this person out?

    What the heck? Are you trolling mate?
  6. enigma_1

    How to ask this person out?

    Why is this based on physical appearances? Surely you haven't read Elizabeth Barrett Browning poetry...
  7. enigma_1

    Simple trig?

    How do I do this? Sorry been long since I last touched trig :( Just need someone to jog my memory, cheers. Solve this equation for 0<= x <=360 degrees. tanx = (root2) -1
  8. enigma_1

    The Cricket Thread

    Re: The Official Cricket Thread Mate, India are up there on the top of the ladder for a reason ahahah. If you've been following them you'll know why :P
  9. enigma_1

    TSFX Mid Year Lecture for Economics good/bad?

    It's for the mid year revision, revision for half yearlies. Anyone been before?
  10. enigma_1

    TSFX Mid Year Lecture for Economics good/bad?

    It's for the mid year revision, revision for half yearlies. Anyone been before?
  11. enigma_1

    TSFX Mid Year Lecture for Economics good/bad?

    Is it worth going? It's for a day for $65.
  12. enigma_1

    What is the essay meant to be on for Mod A?

    Teacher hasn't been here for a while, can anyone tell me what exactly we need to do in this Module A? Apparently you have to compare 2 texts I'm doing Gatsby and EBB poems. So how am I meant to structure this essay and what is the actual purpose of the essay? Past hsc questions say stuff like...
  13. enigma_1

    How hard is it to get a 90 atar

    Go across the road and chat with Ruse kids. Haha but in all seriousness, the subjects you've picked show that you are capable I'm assuming. And hence you are defs on your way to 90 atar if you keep good study habits. If you find those subjects hard then drop to a more capable subject as they...
  14. enigma_1

    How to find horizontal asymptotes of log functions?

    Cool thanks! What about the 3 unit method?
  15. enigma_1

    How to find horizontal asymptotes of log functions?

    Eg if I have a function y=(log x)/x How do I find the horizontal asymptotes? And then how do I find the limits like where the graph goes?
  16. enigma_1

    How to find the domain of a log function?

    So how do you find the features of the graph like the horizontal asymptotes and the limit as x--> infinity, someone please help me lol
  17. enigma_1

    How to ace oral presentations

    Re: Advice from a graduated HSC student on how to ace oral presentations No worries! :) Yay thanks!! :D