Thanks! I used to be in adv like you but that was too much for me so I moved into standard at the start of the year and went from like 50th to 2nd 👍 so I imagine getting a band 5 would be pretty hard in adv! Best of luck with that!
Yeah, when's bio? I have drama Week 3 and haven't even studied at all for it during the holidays cause I assumed 5 days of nothing will be enough to wing the entire subject 😭 maybe not the best choice but I had other priorities
True, I have literally no time to study for multi though cause I'm worrying about maths and modern on the same week and unfortunately it has to go down my 'priority list' as only 20% of it is left on the test
I'm a bit nervous about multi too because I don't always do the best but my major project was showcased by my school so hopefully that means it's good or maybe even a band 6? No idea though