My 2 exams today were absolutely perfect.
Everything I studied was in, everything I didn't wasn't. :) (Amazingly)
One more to go.
Quantum Physics left.
Oh my.
Yes Airy functions are vital in solving the Schroedinger equation.
Hermite, Legendre poly's greatly "simplify" analysis of multielectron atoms.
I know I've seen Bessel and Chebyshev poly's somewhere but i can't remember.
One, Two , Three... We can be action heroes.
Whoaa, Whoaaaa... one, two, three we can be action heroes.
If anybody knows where that song is from, I'll rep.
It seems so amateurish.
I've watched a few episodes about 2-3 years ago.
The dude records everything on a hand-held camera, It seems kind of un-professional.