Who's biology notes are the best on Bored of Studies??
Im serious..my friend said Ahmad Shah Idil's notes are really good..
anyone else??
and..also...what about notes for Chemistry?? =)
I was thinking of doing the History of the Freemansons, I find them extremely fascinating! There are alot of different historical views, especially in the case of the New World controversy.
Okay, either the topics have to relate or are within the topic: 20th Century Western Imperialism..
My ideas so far (not related to topic, however, I'm interested in them):
- Assassination of JFK
- History of the Freemansonary (i know its dodgy)
I need an idea for the Major Project in terms of a topic within 20th Century Imperialism!
Other than that..I reallly want to do:
- the Assassination of JFK
- history of the Freemansonary
I think it is a reasonable choice, however, do you have any other ideas?....Ask your teacher first though. I mean, the thing is finding the resources that are good enough..
Hi, im doing an assignment on ethanol/alkanols at the moment, here are some of the things i wrote down for Ethanol...
<link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CUsers%5CMelissa%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><link rel="themeData"...
I am trying to find a short story called Envy's Fire by Serge Liberman. My friend recommended me to read it but i just can't find it any where on the net. I have tried google, and nothing.... please help.