I dont think its that important to write with correct spellings or grammer on the internet... so really, there is no need to pay people out about it, or even raise the issue (if YOU can read it).
Jesus, how many text books do u guys get...
At my school we dont even get one, we just get photo copies from a text book. I dont even know what "text book" it is because down the bottom of each page it just says "Business Studies: HSC"
No, it wont impact aslong as you yourself do well.
You guys think having 10 ppl trying hard is bad? In my ENTIRE school, there is maybe 10 people trying. As for my business studies class, the only "competition" as such came from about 2-3 other people.
Haha Micallef was great... Im pretty sure that he may have been around before Rove... i think that he used to do the show, then stopped, then started again.
It depends on what part of globalisation, but basically, you just integrate the strategies of marketing, management, employ't relations into the global business.
All depends on the question, give us an example if you like.
Sorry im a speed poster, and dont have time to type out the quality advice alot of the other members do.
You need to improve in all areas to get to 80 i think. Your best bet would be to focus on the subjects with the higher scaling (i think?). High marks in English, chemisty, physics, and...