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  1. russs

    Spraying car in front yard

    Hi, Not a good question to ask on BOS, but maybe someone has a bit of experience in this area. Is it legal to spray a car in your front yard (with non-isocyanite paint ofcourse... and assuming overspray is taken care off and won't be landing on neighbors heads). I have already written to the...
  2. russs

    People unit

    Im doing PSY350 next... I had to fit a 200/300 in and it seemed the best choice.
  3. russs

    what car do you drive?

    Holden, VT Commodore, Ecotec 3.8L V6 FORD, F100 1978, 5.8L V8
  4. russs

    Hybrid cars- what do you think?

    Don't get hybrids, they are intermediate solutions. Plus prius looks like a clown-mobile. Get LPG. I've got an LPG and a Petrol car, I'd recommend LPG.. runs very smooth too. There are also Euro diesels that are very good if you can afford them.
  5. russs

    As a young person do you feel disenfranchised by the two major parties?

    Lefties don't achieve anything but throwing money at feel-good initiatives and awareness programs. And to throw money around we need to collect a little bit more. The money that has been already spent needlessly on shelved programs could be better spent to get nuclear energy started in...
  6. russs

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    Maybe $500 for a year + $500 on shoes a year (so about $1000). Most of my clothes shopping consists of buying Bonds singlets at Target. I buy really expensive Oakley shoes though. I am surprised how some people spends $1000's on clothing. Its ridiculous.
  7. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    That's a very good squat considering your height. Height and squats usually don't mix well. Keep working hard.
  8. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    If you are repping 90/20 for bench your max is about 140? Wot are your current stats dude?
  9. russs

    Comfortable city living needs big bucks

    dural is what I am for. No way I would live in a terrace in inner west, but maybe in a penthouse in Chatswood. its good to dream :)
  10. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    1) You think I didn't try a myriad of eating routines in the years I've been training? I've tried it all: not eating, 3 meals a day, carrying food with me where I go, wasting money on protein shakes. I've trained with a lot of different people, and believe me tried a lot of different stuff by...
  11. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    1) Some people do have fast metabolism and eating 7 times a day and in the middle of the night is still not good enough to put on weight. 2) There is nobody at my gym squatting 2x bodyweight for reps or deadlifting 2.5x. 3) I have been training for 8 years. Since I was 13.
  12. russs

    Lucid Dreaming/Sleep Paralysis

    Look into this (scroll to Hypnagogia section): Shadow people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. russs

    Lucid Dreaming/Sleep Paralysis

    I get sleep paralysis every now and then. It only happens when I nap while extremely tired during the day - I don't think it ever happened to me while properly sleeping at night. I wake up and I can't move, can only look straight ahead and realize what is going on, but visually/auditory wise...
  14. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    I was less than 60kg just a few years ago :)
  15. russs

    how tired/weak should you be after a workout?

    If legs, you shouldn't be able to walk up stairs without holding on to railing. Otherwise, you should feel like jelly all over. Good mornings. Put the bar on your shoulders and bend over as far as you can forward.
  16. russs

    Gender inequality

    Women had it tougher than men? Trust me, if we take away your boobies and convert you into a man, you will probably kill yourself. As a man, you have to work very hard for anything and earn everything, be it respect, money or relationships. Women at the age of 16-30 have it very, very easy and...
  17. russs

    Gender inequality

    Women have as much of an opportunity to become to CEO of a corporation as any man. Nobody is stopping a woman from registering an ABN/ACN and starting a pursuit of her dream. If you want an explanation why women get paid less, go visit an Engineering / Software Engineering Lecture and then...
  18. russs

    UNI GYM~ your thoughts

    You def. get a spotter for the heaviest sets. You also need a strong GM for proper "bad squat" recovery, otherwise you can hurt your back if you get stuck and start "falling forward". I wouldn't recommend relying on pins.
  19. russs

    Discrete Maths (DMTH137)

    Your lucky dude. I am doing third year BIT and when I was in 1st year I had to do MATH135, and then later MATH237 (which is the equiv. of DMTH137). I managed to squeeze in MATH136 as well, but all those subjects were shithouse. I did it with 2U Maths & gap year. Heh, nearly failed.
  20. russs

    UNI GYM~ your thoughts

    Goes something like this: Day #1 Squat... approach 3x5, then 1x3, then 1x1, 1x1, 1x1 until failure. Box Squat: 3x3 with parallel or slightly above box. Leg Press: 3x8 Calf Raises: 3x20 GHR: 3x8 Day #2 [ DL... 1x5, 1x5, 1x5... approach a max of 1x5 then 1x1, 1x1 until failure, Then 3x5...