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  1. russs

    nice guys finish last

    be an asshole, it doesn't work either but at least it gives you the illusion that it works better. more flirting that way.
  2. russs

    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    Peace yo. Embrace love and unity and all the other bullshit.
  3. russs

    How much do you spend on petrol a week?

    Just wondering, what other people spend on petrol per week. I'l start off, I spend $50-$60 on petrol, v6 VT Commodore. If you can, post your car/engine as well and how many kms a week you do. :D
  4. russs

    Hints for passing units

    MATH135/MATH136 - Do questions from past papers & exercises from textbooks. If you don't have textbooks, passing would be on the verge of impossible unless you are a genius. Look at assignment solutions and try to memorize them. Do quizzes again and again. ISYS123 - What the hell, you don't...
  5. russs

    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    I've read on this already, the loans are available to non-muslims too. Then again, sharia law has NO place in Australia, as my opinion. Muslims can practice sharia law all they want, in their own settings/countries but it has absolutely no place in secular Western societies.
  6. russs

    Does SDD suck or what?

    SDD was awesome at high school. We use to play Quake 3, CS and Battlefield all day and watch porn (with our female teacher). Memories :)
  7. russs

    Free Markets and Meritocracy

    The picture above says it all - its the people who want something for nothing that ruin it for the people who are willing to work, achieve and rise above. Everybody has the potential to make it in a free market.
  8. russs

    How do we get back our results now?

    Heh, got my first exam tomorrow.
  9. russs

    who thinks P plates allow for discrimination?

    P plates may allow for discrimination, but most P-platers drive like total dicks (including me). Looking around, you can see these stereotypes: - A red p-plater driving a total bomb that shouldnt be on the road. - A p-plater driving a 4-cyl with a fart can trying to prove their 1.72 L jap...
  10. russs

    Hunry Jacks Ultimate Double Whopper

    Seriously, this is the best burger ever made. Who agrees? It takes one (sometimes with an extra patty) + the meal to feel full for 3/4 of the day. Yeah :D :haha:
  11. russs

    NSW MP says Young Middle Eastern Men responsible for Racial violence in Harris Park

    Re: NSW MP says Young Middle Eastern Men responsible for Racial violence in Harris Pa Harden the rules. Any sort of violence/rock throwing toward authority = hardcore punishment.
  12. russs

    Interesting Fuel Economy Study

    The general pattern here seems to be that E10 is crap. :rofl: Heh, I've just doubled my engine size (from old 2L to more modern 3.8L), switched to 98 and my fuel economy is actually the same or better.
  13. russs

    Interesting Fuel Economy Study

    I found an interesting fuel economy study that compares the E10, Regular and Premium fuels. For those interested, here is the full video: Video - Fuel types compared - Drive In a summary, they ran 3 identical camrys on the three different fuels in the same environment. Results: Premium used...
  14. russs

    eBusiness at MQ

    I do IT, but know a couple of people who do eBusiness or transferred into eBusiness after failing MATH135. Its basically IT without the hardcore mandatory subjects (MATH135, MATH237, COMP225 etc), and some extra busines subjects. If you are good with the easier COMP/ISYS subjects you'l do fine.
  15. russs


    Lol, I kind of just came up with it after splitting my existing routine. I guess everything has been done and named by now.
  16. russs


    Week A ---------- Mon (ME/DL): DL -> Warmup x5, Singles, Belt Singles Defecit DL: 3x5 Shrug: 3x8 Bent-Over Row: 3x8 Lat Pull-downs, Side Bends Wed (Easy Assistance Excersises): Incline Bench: 3x8 Pinch: 3x8 DB Press: 3x8 Curls, Tricep Extensions etc. Fri (ME/Squat): Squat: 3x5, 1x3 Box...
  17. russs

    Being worse can it get??

    -18? His lenses must be like 2cm thick.
  18. russs

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    VT Commo
  19. russs

    girls with muscles? yes or no?

    Fit girls with muscle tone > average girls. Most girls that do fitness, weight training (crossfit/ heavy), aerobics and sport look great. Now if you are talking about bodybuilder women here, the kind that have bigger traps than you do... thats some scary shit right there :eek: I don't know how...
  20. russs

    Being worse can it get??

    I am shortsighted (Around 1.5-2 Diopters) But, then my Grandmother wore -5.5 or something, my Mother wears around -4.5 my Dad had about -4. So I consider myself lucky. :uhhuh: One thing I noticed is, the more I wear glasses, the faster my vision deteriorates. I try to only wear glasses for...