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  1. T

    Omg yes passed physics!@#$%^&*

    Guys it was a seriously easy exam, all the other years were unbelievably hard. The only question that got me was the torque one and the "gyration constant", i just lol'd since i had never seen that in my life.
  2. T

    Anyone at their schools have any cheaters caught?

    Some dumbass at my school (like iQ of 'mystery mark' equivalence) didn't attend a single engineering class in yr 12 and rocked up to the HSC exam asking people how he could drop the subject last second....
  3. T

    Anyone at their schools have any cheaters caught?

    We had someone caught in ext. 1 exam, many lolz when we heard how "subtle" it was (he like totally turned his body to have a "peak" at the guy next to him)
  4. T

    Where do you stand?

    Everywhere at once, just like an electron in an atom :P
  5. T

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: holy fucking shit i might as well just die now. Think i got 83/84 in that exam, lost it cos i made a silly..
  6. T

    Erm... estimate your mark ...

    83/84 i think i lost it at cos of a silly, gonna be so pissed off if i did...
  7. T

    Ext 2 Monday ..... :(

    Im shitting my pants 4 unit isnt hard (aside from harder 3 unit which is actually really confusing) it just takes FOREVER!!!!
  8. T

    How many hours for the year 9 yearly

    I dont think i put pen to paper til year 12 and now im an ext. 2 math student :)
  9. T

    Speed of Light broken: Massive implications for Science

    Re: Einstein's going down, physicists! I believe that special relativity meant that a body of mass couldn't accelerate to the speed of light, it didn't mention anything about: a). already going faster than the speed of light (tachyons); b). anything about energy travelling the speed of light...
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    who gives a fuck about 9/11

    You guys do realise that this is a troll thread, either that or he is very stupid....
  11. T

    Questions about Extension 2 course

    Lmao i was the same as you, worrying about things that look hard. Integration is easy when its explained (take my word for it) there is a very simple process you go through and thats it. 4 unit just expands on it a little more, but nothing to be worried about.
  12. T

    School Captains & Prefects

    At my school, captains, vice, etc. is sooo rigid some teachers point it out, we had a few ext. 1 math probability questions were the selection of school captancy was rigged lol
  13. T

    taking drugs for the hsc, psychostimulants/nootropics

    Maths and physics - ecstacy (You cant think within the box to win) Chem - heroin (for the lolz) english - hashcookies ('nuff said)
  14. T

    Physics Olympiad

    Holy crap how hard are those questions!! What age group is targetted, 18-22?
  15. T

    Sine / Cosine Rules ???

    I dont understand why sine, cosine and tangent are so difficult (unless your doing the taylor series, where it gets confusing) In general you really only have a few conditions you must follow, if your remember them then your sweet for the test. And no matter how much they try and confuse you...
  16. T

    Questions about acceleration?

    Dont bother doing the HSC for 2 unit lol its a really easy cource just know whats up and start ext. 1 and 2 asap. If you actually do that you will have a marginal advantage over the others. I mean, if you don't intend to drop 4 unit (and you shouldn't its not as hard as people make it out to be)...
  17. T

    ATAR estimate

    I recon ~43, low ranking school with poor scaling subjects WITH poor marks makes life really hard when HSC rolls around. IF the guys ranked at the top of you class are getting 80+ then your really fucked.
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    Motivation --- [merged]

    Re: motivation, anyone? TOTALLY, its better when you rock up to a test and EVERYONE fails but you (got 80 in my 2u test putting me at 3rd with like 15 mins of study, 4th tutors 3 times a week and put almost 40 hours of study, he got 65 ROFL)
  19. T

    What raw marks needed to obtain band six?

    In the 2010 chemistry exam, my mate got 71 as a raw mark (89 as a scaled mark). He was pretty pissed off concidering that like 1 mark more would mean that he would have gotten a band 6 lol.
  20. T

    Question on teacher's checking assignment...

    ROFL at my school if you show it to your teacher early then they will tell you whether you are going on the right path or not (no one does it though, WWWAAAAYYYYYY too lazy, everyone is on msn at like 2.30am the day of the assessment task trying to quickly finish it off =P)