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  1. valval

    2005 HSC Question 20

    In your course you had to gather information to explain how induction is used in certain applications. With reference to TWO applications, describe how you assessed the reliability of information you found. (6 Marks) It seems a little of the realms of physics and more into something like...
  2. valval

    Temperature needed for Dehydration and Hydration?

    Yaa it is the hydration and dehydration of ethanol, sorry that I didn't specify. Also, are you sure about that because my teacher told me that I needed to research it too.
  3. valval

    Temperature needed for Dehydration and Hydration?

    I searched up that the temperature was around 300 degrees celcius for hydration but my teacher put a question mark next to it so now I'm unsure of it. I've tried searching for the temperature needed for hydration, no luck. So now I turn to you guys. What is the temperature needed for dehydration...
  4. valval

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Chem, Physics, Math Ext 2, Advanced English. 95+
  5. valval

    A Gift to the BOS Community

    This is amazing, thanks!