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    Let's hope so I'm doing it!
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    Cheapest way to UNSW by public transport

    They never check UNSW buses haha
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    Life at UNSW

    I thought everyone at unsw would be shit selective/private school kidos, but people in commerce are actually pretty cool.
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    ECON1102 Chartbook

    Sept-June as NBGHHS said, use the years prior to what you're doing and you shoudl get the right answer
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    Minimum WAM for Law internal transfer?

    Don't think its 20% of each faculty, I think they take more commerce students than art students or something to that degree, they base it of number of students/ difficulty of subjects, well thats what the person in charge of internal law transfers told me.
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    What is the atar range to get into the australian school of business at unsw?

    Pretty sure 2u is assumed knowledge, but they offer a few bridging courses in case you don't do math.
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    Tips on passing ACCT1501?

    Damn my balance sheets didn't balance I thought forging it would be bad.
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    Tips on passing ACCT1501?

    They pretty much told us what is in the final exam. Just go through those 5 chapters and with that and general knowledge you'll pass easy I think.
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    how to get to race course? (our exam venue)

    Yep, TIL just follow everyone, you'll end up where you need to be lol
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    MGMT Final

    Its worth 35% other exams are woth 60% I heard about the stupid marking involved, better to smash other subjects to pull WAM up I guess then.
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    MGMT Final

    Yeah it's MGMT1001. Really? Was aiming for around 23/24. Yeah Case study references are easy, do you remember the type of questions you got?
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    MGMT Final

    Does anyone have any idea to what sort of questions they asked in the final exam? E.G did they ask for what a solution would be to the case study, or tell us to describe three elements or something like that? do any past students remember the type of questions?
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    how to get to race course? (our exam venue)

    Yeah I'm not sure either, I'm just going to rock up to Eddy Ave early and follow the crowd.
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    UNSW LAW - ATAR below cutoff of 99.65 and still got in???

    The money is only offered to attract the 'high achievers' to the uni, if New South didn't have it, I'm sure those people would be more inclined to go to uSYD because of the 10k/y offered.
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    Yeah I'm just doing first year Commerce cores, I'm just hoping they scale MGMT lol
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    I heard they scale the final exams. By how much does this usually happen?
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    bill gates to speak at UNSW

    That's the spirit, see you there haha
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    No more classes?

    You can email the head lecturer and then request for a class from the asb if there are no spots left
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    Econ1101 Assesment

    It doesn't say the Chapters anywhere on Blackboard?
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    Econ1101 Assesment

    What chapters are the exam going to be on? is it chapters 1-9 excluding chapter 2?