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  1. G

    Predict Your Raw Mark

    what would 35/70 allign to from last year's scaling?
  2. G

    Creative Writing for Crime

    No particular question. Hoping to use on Thursday. Covering the floor was disturbing streaks of crimson, the wall painted a shiny hue. The room was encased in blood. The detective walked through the gruesome murder scene, taking particular care not to touch any of the evidence labelled...
  3. G

    E4 raw mark??

    Lol, well this thread is quite disheartening. What would raw marks of around 35 equate to? :S
  4. G

    Really short Creative

    The bartender has no commitment to the job. He's only there because he has no where else to go. But again, this is too subtle. He's also illiterate. But again, too subtle.
  5. G

    Really short Creative

    hmmm, well there is the character realisation of the bartender which is necessary for the story's conclusion, but it is incredibly subtle. I don't know how to build upon these ideas without making it derivative
  6. G

    Really short Creative

    Yeah, i was trying to emphasize his dislocation in the beginning and his ending, but thought that would be too cheesy. I'll re attack that section. Thanks
  7. G

    Really short Creative

    I figure it gives me room to expand for the question :P The two had been there all night. Just sitting there, the couple can’t have been comfortable on the cold iron bench they were sitting on. But neither of them moved all night, motionless in a tranquil moment of silent harmony. The inky...
  8. G

    Just to clarify something about related...

    never do this. It shows that you are unprepared and you will be marked poorly as a result
  9. G

    FREE notes on 'Romulus', 'Dickinson', 'Crucible', 'AYLI', 'Immigrant Chronicle'!!

    Would appreciate the skrzynecki notes :P
  10. G

    Conflicting Perspectives, related texts. The Raven?

    Just wondering if it would make a good related text. If now, any short stories or poems would be greatly appreciated
  11. G

    Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Short story); Good related text for belonging?

    It seems to be good about discovering personal identity and belonging to self.
  12. G

    How do you answer questions on speeches????

    okay, exams in two weeks, freaking the hell out. I seem incapable of formulating a response on past speeches questions.... Help?
  13. G

    Freaking out about Trials, Module A: Richard III and Looking for Richard

    Yes, i do understand the module; what i do not know is what I need to know about the texts in preparation
  14. G

    Freaking out about Trials, Module A: Richard III and Looking for Richard

    Trials in 2 days! And i'm freaking out about paper 2, Module A: Richard III and Looking for Richard. I'm trying to develop notes, but... how?! There just seems so much to understand... if someone could offer a more concise view on what is required in exam and preparation that would be excellent!
  15. G

    Creative Writing for Crime

    Yeah, rate it up. The room was filled with blood. Covering the floor in disturbing streaks of crimson, the wall painted in its shiny hue. The detective walked through the gruesome murder scene, taking particular care not to touch any of the evidence labelled with the little yellow cones...
  16. G

    Related text for conflicting perspectives, snow falling on cedars.

    Alright, so we need a related text for conflicting perspectives, and my first thought was the new x men, days of future past - there are clear conflicting perspectives between the future characters and the past characters (which also results in a circular narrative) and discrimination [for...
  17. G

    Hey, could someone help me make a study timetable?

    Hey, so i'm in year 12 and trials are fast approaching *Sweats nervously* and i know this is overdue and i should have one by now, but could someone help me construct a study timetable? I'm really bad at doing it. My subjects are: - Ext. Math - Math - Ext. English - Adv. English - PDHPE...