Search results

  1. stickyricebuns

    Career opportunities for bachelor of science/advanced studies USYD?

    this is entirely my own fault for not doing research on the courses I wanted to do earlier so I’m stuck with a bachelor of science at usyd. absolutely shitting bricks terrified of what this means for my career opportunities because everyone I’ve talked to have all told me bsci is not good and...
  2. stickyricebuns

    illness/misadventure for non-covid related symptoms/issues

    yes but it has to be very explicit in what you experienced like they can't write "stickyricebuns was unfit to do the hsc exam", i think the process is rather rigorous and the doctor also has to fill out on the form exactly what you had and how it could have negatively affected you which is also...
  3. stickyricebuns

    illness/misadventure for non-covid related symptoms/issues

    i know they're taking fevers, coughs and stuff super seriously bc covid times but i've had a pounding headache (maybe a migraine? it's only on one side of my face, but i very rarely get migraines) for the past 6 hours and really bad lower stomach cramps (not sure if it's from period or not but i...
  4. stickyricebuns

    Pathways into dentistry that don't require UCAT?

    yep! i'm hoping i can get a 99+ selection rank with adjustment factors since la trobe was 99.05 and uq was 99 in 2020 ^^" whoops edit i replied too quickly, to gamsat: i misunderstood postgrad completely LOL my bad but looks like im relying on adjustment factors this year :p
  5. stickyricebuns

    Pathways into dentistry that don't require UCAT?

    thanks guys! what i've gathered is that basically i can't get into anything direct (in 2022) other than UQ or maybe la trobe and JCU because my atar is probably going to be around 95-98. so my best chances are to pick a course for now, do well in it, do the gamsat and see if i still want to...
  6. stickyricebuns

    Pathways into dentistry that don't require UCAT?

    Does anyone know the process of transferring into dentistry in your 2nd year of uni or any other pathways into dentistry? I didn't sit the UCAT this year because I was set on a different degree but I've changed my mind now and I realise how badly I may have screwed up bc the GAMSAT is...
  7. stickyricebuns

    2021 HSC

    sb is cancelled but have replacement online assingments/exams or estimates depending on subject
  8. stickyricebuns

    2021 HSC

    if they use anti-cheating software what's stoppng you from just having a hard copy of ur notes in front of u while doing eexams??
  9. stickyricebuns

    projection of a 2d curve in 3d plane onto each of the planes

    i’m not sure what u mean by z=0 is a line? shouldnt it be z=(any variable) and u restrict the domain of that variable according to the range of the line accordingly
  10. stickyricebuns

    projection of a 2d curve in 3d plane onto each of the planes

    yess but if i were asked to find the equation of the projection, would it be 0 or a line?
  11. stickyricebuns

    projection of a 2d curve in 3d plane onto each of the planes

    ok so if i used a parabola as an example then r(t)=(t, t^2, 0) so x=t, y=t^2, z=0 so the cartesian equation of the projection of the curve on the xy plane is y=x^2. but the projections onto the yz plane is z=0 since u can't sub anything into z=0 and the projection onto the xz plane is also z=0...
  12. stickyricebuns

    projection of a 2d curve in 3d plane onto each of the planes

    sorry if title doesn't make sense, im talking about parametric equations where one variable x y or z is 0 so the curve is technically only a 2d curve but it still exists in the 3d plane. would the projections onto 2 of the planes of either xy, xz or yz (in cartesian form) be x/y/z=0 or something...
  13. stickyricebuns

    systematic errors in titrations

    if anyone is awake rn what r the effects of miscalibrating the volumetric stuff in titrations? im talking about rinsing the burettes/pipettes/conical flask with the wrong substance which dilutes the solutions that go in them. what effect do they have on the concentration and number of moles of...
  14. stickyricebuns

    Ipt and ssd

    ipt is easy band 6 and if u do well then bad scaling wont affect u also idk if its the same for other schools but we did a bit of html coding and python but that was it
  15. stickyricebuns

    What are some techniques people use to write a lot in exams

    use a pen that writes nicely for me i despise ballpoint and i prefer ink or gel ones
  16. stickyricebuns

    Slope fields and limits

    the method he taught us was to let y'=m and find an equation in terms of y, and m and x (y=f(x)+m or something like that). then you can either sub in values of m (or y) (first column from my working), then you tan inverse whatever m becomes (third column) which is the angle of the tangent. the...
  17. stickyricebuns

    Slope fields and limits

    thank you for these explanations ! so from what i gather, we can pick any random x and y points, so it would still be valid to let x=1 and find y and y' for my question? our teacher did say that in the hsc they usually wouldn't make you graph something as hard as what he gave us and we'd only...
  18. stickyricebuns

    Slope fields and limits

    hi 1. for this equation the question asks, "based on the slope field, determine the behaviour of y as x approaches infinity". the answer is y approaches plus minus infinity and 0 i'm confused how to find the limits from the slope field? i've drawn it and it just looks like this: but how do...
  19. stickyricebuns

    thoughts on purposefully failing a subject you can't drop but have a backup plan for?

    reply to ^^^ about dropping our school won't allow us to drop to 8 units no matter what, even the people who state ranked tried it but the deputy wouldn't let them :( so i dont rly have a choice but to keep it