Yeah play around a bit with the different tools (although it might get frustrating)...
But tutorials are always good:
Does anybody know if the stuff on failure of the provisional goverment is under the dotpoint 'The nature of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917'? or is it like just giving background..
If it's not, what kind of things are?
I've found those ways to be the easiest, but there are other ways that require more programs etc...
Check out, maybe that'll help...?
Don't think so, I tried and it said use NeroVision Express. *shrugs*
Oh and I forgot to say WinAVI puts a watermark on whatever you convert, unless u register somehow...
I thought it was funny when the guy wanted to reach the phone which was going to stop ringing in a little while anyway and chopped off his foot to do so... haha