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  1. L


    Wow. Calm down there buddy. No need to have a stroke over it. If you'd read back through the thread, you'd see that I've offered advice on roughly how many pages of written notes I believed would be effective for study of this Core topic. (20 pages was my advice - from personal experience)...
  2. L

    Topics for '09

    Whilst the History Extension MP does have syllabus specified requirements, it's best to follow what your teacher says on this; after all, it is marked internally, not externally. If your teacher has given you the okay to proceed on a group of questions, as opposed to a focus question, then...
  3. L

    attention survivors of history extension major works!!!

    Don't fret over the marks themselves! :) Even if you were to achieve only 10/40 for your Major Project, as long as you were to be ranked first at the end of all internal assessments, you'd be in the same position as a student who achieves 40/40 for their Major Project at their school. If...
  4. L

    How much does the major work contribute to the final HSC mark?

    Exactly what I would have said. Remember, when completing internal assessments, rank is the key focus. Every mark you lose in the major project counts towards a greater loss in rank than marks lost in the internal exams that your teacher will issue. So the major project is ideally the best...
  5. L

    3rd in the state, because my raw exam mark was probably 99/100. I can't know for sure - they...

    3rd in the state, because my raw exam mark was probably 99/100. I can't know for sure - they don't release raw HSC marks. If you don't believe me though.. you can always google my name and Board of Studies. It was alot of hard work and effort that got me those marks.
  6. L

    anyone else SCREWEDDD for HSC EXAM ancient history?

    LMAO! I remember this thread hehe :D Guess my crazy cramming skills paid off in the end! :D
  7. L

    Spartan society

    Reading excerpts of those sources isn't a bad idea. But not the whole thing - I agree, that's too much time wasting.
  8. L

    Text books?

    History and the historians is a VERY comprehensive book. Perhaps a little overly comprehensive - one of the problems I had with that particular book, later on, was condensing what I thought was important - particularly because there was so much that the book emphasizes as important...
  9. L

    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    Just as a word of advice: the fewer in your class, the better it tends to be. (Think about ranking, moderation, alignment). As long as you're a strong history extension student, you won't be constricted by less able students who just happen to be ranked above you. (It happens lol) :)
  10. L

    Historical Schools of Thought

    Both Kujah and Rjat are correct. You need to have some variation within these 'schools of thought'. At the same time, you're a tad off (maybe more than a tad) with a few of them - do you use any particular textbook for history extension?
  11. L

    Influence of greek and egyption culture

    I do. lol in my sig below :D
  12. L

    MEGA URGENT! spartan economy is a painnn!!

    If anyone else has questions about the spartan economy - feel free to ask - I didn't have time to respond to this beforehand. I'm also selling my notes for $15, in the link below, if anyone is interested! :D
  13. L


    In response to any others who might have similar needs for notes - I am currently selling my Ancient History notes. See link in signature, below.
  14. L

    EXT HIST scaling.. and how to do well?

    It's an extension subject, so I think the scaling will be favourable lol. And you're right, without guidance, it IS a hard subject to advance through. The content can be understood, but you should also have a look at some of the resources here perhaps, to see what you should be advancing...
  15. L

    Who's a POSTMODERNIST? Hand up!!

    What are the arguments you and your teacher have been using anyway? I'm interested!
  16. L

    Topics for '09

    Topics of controversy do work best. :)
  17. L

    How to WIN at P&H

    Great advice here! Particularly the insight towards approaching sources that have varying degrees of relevance. That one's a very nice timesaver when making notes for the HSC exam. :D
  18. L

    My ranks is only 14/24 in Ancient.

    You'll be alright. The jump should be easy, because there's only 3.3 marks separating 14 students. If you approach it from that perspective, gaining only ONE extra mark in the next assessment gives you a 5 person jump in your rank. Crazy, neh? :p
  19. L


    You should be fine at around 20 written pages for Pompeii and Herculaneum. But.. it differs from person to person, so I can't be sure if that would be too little or too much for you personally. 20 pages got me through the HSC just fine. :)
  20. L

    help need idea for mw!

    Well, any topic that you elect will usually do. But the test really, is one of controversy. Is your topic controversial enough amongst modern scholars? In this case, bigger is better. (Controversy that is). Remember this - the topic should have points in time where there are conflicting forces...