Search results

  1. L

    Trouble memorising notes

    If you're going to memorise, don't write, then re'write, whilst still looking at the original? Practice whilst not looking. Alot. And try not to mix subjects up in one day - one day = 2 subjects MAX I'd say. Unless you do maths, which you don't really need to memorise as much as practice.
  2. L

    Extension maths

    LOL just come 1st rank + whatever assessment marks that takes to do.
  3. L

    I got 30 or below UAI.

    UAI doesnt tell you how successful you'll be in the futur, aye? You've got to let this be the next push - because now, all you've got to go on for the future is whatever you've always wanted to be - I don't mean like lawyer/doctor/career bs - I mean everybody always dreamt of being something...
  4. L

    Anyone get UAI 99+ and not do 4 unit english/maths?

    I think it's possible - . But to 08'ers reading this - if you're real good at maths or english - you should probably go for the extensions lol
  5. L

    Tutor Needed

    I like chicken.
  6. L

    TUTORING (for HSC etc.)

    Hey, will you be tutoring in 2008 for english? hektikk results btw !
  7. L

    Ancient History - Sparta

    I think you can look at more than just herodotus and pausanius for spartan religion and festivals. These are some that I can recall offhand: Hyakinthia - Athenaeus (Ancient) says it is both a mourning for Hyakinthos and praise to Apollo - Hooker (Modern) says something similar, although I can't...
  8. L

    Official UAI Results

    Sam - 99.7 Juai - 99.75 NSW UAI - 99.85 Am i the only one that loves SAM at the moment? LOL! SAM 4 EVA! SAM IS DA SHIT! MAKE LOVE ME TOOO MEEEE OH SAMMM!!!
  9. L

    Post Your UAI's Here

    99.85! i cried likE A baBY wheN I saw itz!!! ZOMG!! ZOMG ZOMG!! ahhahahaa!! AMMM SOOO FUKN HAPPY!! and some teachers thought I was burnt out! LOLOL!! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHHAHA!!
  10. L

    Extension History '08

    Smallest classes work best! But you've got to stay focused! Always stay focused aye! lol good luck 08'ers - history extension is a pretty interesting subject! seriously! you can get pretty philosophical with it - I did loll - just have fun with it! and dont drop out! commitment! =)
  11. L

    how many people are doing history extension in your school?

    LOL i remember these threads! In my year (2007), we started off with 14-ish - then it slowly dwindled to 2 people! But it's better that way - less competition - more focus = high marks! =) Good luck 08'ers!
  12. L

    need help!

    There should be a fair bit of information on the Vietnam War out there - especially seeing as its covered by the school certificate syllabus - you can google for it. However, remember to focus on the historiographical aspects of the essay, more so than content! If you need more help, or more...
  13. L

    Teaching myself History ext - help!!

    Start researching as soon as possible! Especially read up on sample answers in the standards packages (that's on the website). Don't want to fall behind! Good luck peoples for 2008!
  14. L

    Notes on Pompeii and Herculaneum

    The has notes - look in the humanities - ancient history section - there's a fair few on Pompeii, I believe. If you dont find what you're looking for however, I've got a fair few notes - for a price! lol see the link below. Good luck for ancient history in 2008! =)
  15. L

    HSC 2008 ancient history students topics

    If you need help dudes and dudettes, follow the link below! =) Good luck on ancient history in 2008 peoples!
  16. L

    Official HSC results.

    lolll man i'm seeing some pretty hetikkk marks here. congrats to all you peoples! but hey - more importantly - do what you WANT to in life aye! not just where your uai lets you go - but where you want to!!!!! (yeah yeah, sounds cheesy i know - but aye!! dont forget it!!!!)
  17. L

    serious help needed for section 3 of syllabus!

    lol guess I was too late to be any help! But if you need any other help, just check out my link below!
  18. L

    Official HSC results.

    SANTANA IS DA BOMB!!! SO IS RIHANNA!!!..anddd alicia keys! no moree hsc evaa! wohoo!!
  19. L

    Official HSC results.

    congrats to everybody u are all da sxc bombs and you all deserve 100000/100 hsc marks!! all da best for uais aye!!
  20. L

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: How to win the hsc Learn to write in a good style too. this fuked me up for english and alot of other subjects in HSC and it can fuck you up for other subjects too - no matter if you know the content awesomely, if you can't put it nicely onto paper in words, you lose. Or a better way of...