
  1. katiekms

    What ATAR would you judge someone for?

    Like, when we get our ATARs and everyone’s on here posting what they got, what would you see and be like.. damn thats such a bad ATAR would not wanna be them.
  2. I

    Eng Paper 2

    How much time do ppl usually have by the end of mod c?
  3. I

    Do they give decimal marks in HSC

    I know a guy who got 19.5/20 for an essay for HSC english, do they usually give out decimal marks or is it rare? And for what subjects?
  4. E

    ATAR Vibe check please 🙏

    For context, I go to a school normally ranked 30-50th. Our school does not publish ranks so these are estimations of my rank but they are pretty close Subject Rank Trial Mark My Average Mark B6/year (2023) B6/year (2022) English Advanced 85% 78% 12 7 Maths Standard 2 2-4/23 97% 85% 4 8...
  5. C

    ATAR Estimation

    I don't theoretically need over an 80 for any of the courses I want to do, but having a 90+ would be reeallly satisfying. I was estimated at 93.5 earlier this year but my trials flopped a little. Internal Ranks and 2023 B6 results Eng Adv: 14/89 (5 B6) Maths Adv: 2/59 (7 B6) (2024 trial was more...
  6. Sunny1422

    Do i still have time for the HSC???

    Hi Guys, I have less then 9 days till paper one English and I'm still memorising my essays (I'm in English advanced). IS IT TOO LATE???
  7. I

    What Prelim Content Should I Know For HSC?

    Haven't looked over prelim content in a year at this point. Is there anything from there that I should know for HSC?
  8. D

    ATAR estimation?

    I go to a school that is in the 400-500 ranking. (Estimating that is) It's also to note that, according to my teachers: * english advanced was roughly the same difficulty as the typical HSC paper * Biology was also the same difficulty * Investigating was also the same difficulty * Math...
  9. I

    What Year Is The Current Eng Std Syllabus From?

    pls thx X
  10. I

    Uni Deadline Dates?

    Heya does anybody have a resource/website which shows the deadlines for every early entry/application deadline for all unis? Plus deadlines for scholarships/schemes applications! I feel overwhelmed cuz everything is all over the place and not really centralised...
  11. I

    Eng Std Syllabus

    Can somebody link it plz thx X. Tryna make notes on each syllabus point so no question catches me offguard.
  12. I


    My english & business teachers were such harsh markers they have half marks like plsssssss <333. From what I've been told in the HSC it ain't that deep and markers just tryna finish a paper and get the bag. Its usually a loss of half a mark or even 1.5 marks for like a 4-5 marker because my...
  13. I

    English STD Syllabus?

    Wanna make some notes in a table with the latest HSC standard syllabus. Can somebody link it to me plssss thxx
  14. I

    How Many Pages In HSC Writing Booklet?

    For english standard and business studies pls thanks
  15. I

    Prelim IND Tech

    How relevant is the prelim content for Industrial tech in the HSC? I didn't brush up on prelim ind tech and hadn't seen the content in like a year and got 85 on trials. Should I revise over it for HSC or just focus on HSC content?
  16. spiderfan44

    Is It Possible To Redeem Ranks?

    are you asking if you can still do well as long as you do well in the exam, or if you can get your rank changed?
  17. I

    How Much Prelim Content Should Be Known In HSC

    How much of the prelim content should we know for HSC? Its technically assumed knowledge but I havn't done prelim industrial in about a year and I still did pretty well on my trials
  18. I

    Can 2 people rank first?

    Me and this guy were so close in English there was a 0.7 course mark difference. It got me pondering... Is it possible for schools to submit 2 people as first to NESA? What if there is a genuine tie??
  19. I

    Anki Flashcards

    I'm trying to memorise the syllabus. Does anybody have some good Anki flashcard decks for me to memorise the entire syllabus?
  20. Canoeboat

    End of year report!

    Yo am i cooked, this my end year report year 12 before hsc, top 100 school SOR1: trial mark: 45/50, rank: 6/24 Eng Adv: trial mark: 73/100, rank: 11/38 eng ext: trial mark: 38/50, rank 1/3 math adv: trial mark: 66/100, rank 12/34 biology: trial mark 70/100, rank 3/10 chemistry: trial mark...