Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you completed this questionnaire for me for my Society and Culture major work! I intend to evaluate the extent to which horror has evolved in relation to the depiction of female character archetypes, and how the genre contributes to the formation of...
Hey guys, I'm struggling to get people to fill out my Questionnaire. The topic is on the power of literature throughout history as a catalyst for social change on gender inequality, and how it shapes the understanding of gender roles in Adolescence throughout time. I have attached the link and...
I've been lurking on here for a while but i have just finished my questionnaire and need some answers!:music::spzz:
anything would be greatly appreciated!
Hey there,
I'm having trouble deciding what cross-cultural component I should do for my pip topic. My topic basically focuses on the concept of nostalgia and technology - the function of nostalgia in the world today, how technology and media makes us more nostalgic and it's effects on mental...
Hi everyone - if you have a few spare minutes please fill out my PIP questionnaire - it should only take a few minutes of your time.
The link is in the title
Thanks so much!
I'm currently in the midst of writing my Personal Interest Project for my SAC class. I've decided to focus on how multicultural adolescents struggle with their identity but I've gotten stuck with my chapter topics since my topic doesn't have much room to expand. I was thinking for my first...
Hey, so my teacher said that my PIP topic was too generic and had been done a lot in the previous years which was:
"How does the negative influence of Disney material manifest in children?"
With this question I was going to talk about toxic masculinity, misogynistic views and beauty...
Im a year 12 society & culture student. I would really appreciate it if anyone would spare a few minutes to complete my questionnaire. This questionnaire is open to anyone! Any help is very appreciated. The link is in the word doc below because it doesn't let me post links on the thread for...
Hi, I hope you are having a great day
If you could fill out my questionnaire about gender and fashion, that would greatly appreciated. It will only take a few minutes and it is completely anonymous.
The link is in the document below because BoredOfStudies doesn't let me post links
Thanks :)
So I’m currently starting the beginning of my HSC Pip journey for SAC.
I’m thinking of doing how Barbie Dolls have influenced female body images and expectations over time. Is that a good pip topic and what would my sub topics be? How would I gather research for it, who would I interview??
Hey yall, could you please do my questionnaire for my society and culture mini PIP.
It's about cultural identity for immigrants in Australia.
It takes around 2 minutes to complete. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.:sun:
The link is in my profile posts because boredofstudies doesn't...
HIII, for my PIP i'm doing the impact of anime on identity. Please fill out the survey below, it should only take 10mins tops. Thank you so much for taking out your time to fill out the survey and I appreciate your help. :)
if you would like the link to the survey pls leave your email down below :)
As part of my Society and Culture major project, I created a questionnaire to gather data for my research. It would be extremely helpful if you completed this and spread it to your friends and family :))
Hey, if any of you have some interesting, juicy or even controversial topics or ideas for my HSC PIP I would really appreciate it if you could let me know. I'm a bit iffy on what I should do because I don't know if my ideas are strong enough. But any ideas you guys have would really help me :hug2:
Hey! Im stuck between dropping visual arts or society & culture.
Currently, I am doing
- Modern History
- Drama
- Visual Arts
- Studies of religion II
- English advanced
- Society and culture
Im currently ranked extremely high in all of my subjects (minus art because I failed to hand in the...
heyy it would mean a lot if you could do my questionnaire.
it won't allow me to post a link so there is a space in front of the ://
https ://forms.gle/jE7CE5T178YfNLg76
thank you so much