You know the creative writing part of the test, those examples of things they give us do we actually need to intergrate that into the story? Because everyone tells you to prepare your own story but all past papers say to use it for your story.
Yes.those examples of things they give us do we actually need to intergrate that into the story?
They should be telling you to prepare one and adapt it to the stimulus.Because everyone tells you to prepare your own story but all past papers say to use it for your story.
It does have to relate to the stimulus and you will be marked down for ignoring it. Just look at any past paper; "Choose one of the settings to be a significant focus of your story" or select a quotation and use it "as a central idea in your own piece of writing".As the stimulus will relate to belonging in someway and your story will also, that is all they are after. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with the stimulus they give, mine never have and i've always done fine. You wont be marked down for not linking to stimulus (based on my experiences and what my teachers say anyway)