1984 - George Orwell. (1 Viewer)


Mè çHöP ŸèW
Apr 29, 2004
The Mat®ix Ordinates: Sector 1-337- Statu
Knowledge is Power.

Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.

Two plus two is five.

Brainwashed through times where even your own thoughts and emotions were, in the end, your unfolding. If I say two plus two equals five, and you believe it, then it is true. The past forges way for the future; those who control the past therefore control the future. Those who control the present, control the past. Those who manipulate and corrupt the minds of those around them therefore establish a sense of superiority. In this time, they are the leaders, the ones in control. In the next life the tides may change, the tides may remain the same, the tides may not exist at all. Do you think you are free? Do you honestly believe that your emotions and judgements are not monitored and weighted? It would be foolish to believe in freedom, you are not free. You are governed and commanded like everyone else. Laws put you in your place, even when you dont agree with them, you must obey.

As educated as humans are, we can never really consider ourselves to be knowledgeable. We all know what goes on in the world today. We all know about corruption and violence and underground operations and yet we know nothing. We know what they (being a higher order) wish to tell us. What ever comes on the news we automatically adopt as the truth without thinking. It has evolved to become part of our nature, we fail to question in fear that we may stand out or appear foolish. Our level of instinctive comfort does not allow for knew knowledge because we fear that we will realise the worst fate of all. It is similar to asking one the question of their exact death on this earth. Would you really want to know the answer? Would you want to know the exact moment when your soul leaves your body? What if you didnt like the answer, would you try and change reality? Would you take another life to spare your own?

Issues raised in Nineteen Eighty-Four are more closely linked to our society then one may think. We believe that we are different, that we have changed the predicted future and that we live in a democratically free society. Our laws are put into practise, not for the good of a higher order, but for the good of oneself and ones belonging (i.e. Firm, country etc.) Review of this book shows total invasion of privacy and basically the restriction put upon one to express themselves. A constraint, a set of rules or guidelines that one can not pass before becoming socially unacceptable. The satire is obviously that these guidelines still exist today, despite the fact that this book is relatively old.

You and I are still restricted from speaking out, although this has been cleverly covered up by society. Funny how in this world there are always leaders and followers. There can never be a constant flow of mutual respect between all people due to our differences. This flaw can be characterised in many ways, which all link back to humanities biggest flaw being greed. The desire for more will consume us, and no matter what we achieve in life, it will always mean nothing due to ambition.
The potential for something greater, our curiosity, is always creating bigger and more severe problems then we original began with.
Of course the most classic instance of this is summarised in one word. Technology. The means of simplifying our tedious daily tasks, at the cost of ones surroundings. For every gain, there is a sacrifice. What we, as humans, fail to calculate is the flaws in any piece of engineered software before its launch. Our history shows that the world we live in was a much more sanitary place then the world we have infected now. The more we learn, the more we realise how little we know. So where does it all end? If we cant maintain a population using the earths resources, then where do we go? What happens to us? The middle class people of society, who nod in admiration of some and hatred of others. Just like the party, we are told what we are wanted to know, and we believe what we are told to believe. There is no thought that occurs behind this droning on and on through life.

Amazing how so many can accept whatever is put in front of them without any real reasoning nor proof. I can never understand why so many people never ask any questions. Is this what we want to be breeding? The answer to this is obviously yes. This is how the high, middle and low class are distinguished. This is not intelligence, its a game. Its about who can brainwash the most amount of people, without them understanding whats going on. Religion does this to an extraordinary fashion, because people must have faith. How can we believe in something that has been written in a book without any other proof? If we erase the past, then how can we be sure that the things we believe in have even occurred. Do we instantly ride off any doubt in our minds through a process of doublethink even today?

Its amazing how some of us can go through our entire lives without even wondering why we are here, or what we are meant to do whilst we exist in this place and time. Perhaps these are the truly intelligent. Those who do worry themselves with problems facing all humanity, who in truth know that their thoughts are insignificant and will only lead to greater questions. But one can not help but to attempt to solve a fragment of life, to take with them a certain deal of understanding that exceeds more then anyone around them. In this realisation comes insanity, where all that we have once believed in turns against us. Like Winston, this would turn you insane, a mumbling wreck that has lost all hope in the world.

The high, or supposedly intelligent, people of society are in power. Their knowledge gives them that power over the middle class, and the lower class is ignored so long as they populate and remain ignorant. The gap between middle and high is the smallest gap as the middle become more intelligent and therefore overthrows the high to become the high. The high stay at their status by making the middle believe that they have power and therefore become satisfied with their standard of living. In a sense they lie to the middle class via the mass media and in most cases the views are accepted. People who stand out as thinkers are said to be weird or abnormal as the majority have become adapted to customs set by the high strategically in play to stop thinking. Satire in this book applies so strongly to our lifestyle that we should seriously take into account what we are bringing up in this world, and what ethics we wish to pass on to the next generation. If we can not distinguish that something is wrong in todays society, then we really are not thinking, and the high has done its job effectively. Knowledge is power. Thought is discovery. Discovery is forbidden.


Mè çHöP ŸèW
Apr 29, 2004
The Mat®ix Ordinates: Sector 1-337- Statu

Copywrite of Nick... Please ask if you wish to use this via PM or email. I will probably let u, I just wish to know where my theories are going. Thanks people.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2015
my best work. thx for reminding me of it.

Just kidding, 1984 is amazingly written, one of my favourites.

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