araminta said:
All I'm needing is a little reassurance that everyone else kind-of-haven't-exactly written their reflection statements.
i'm in the middle of my trials now. I had english paper 2 today, and it was really good. Anyway, after thursday, I'm going back to focus on tidying up my reflection statement and major work.
Do not worry too much about it if you know what your are going to say. Luckily I had page in my journal titled RS ideas, so that helped a lot.
I finished my first draft in the holidays though, but don't worry, if you're doing ee2, then you should be able to pull off a fantastic reflection statement.
araminta said:
Furthermore, for all those 'word limit' worriers out there, I've done a solid 1500 words, and you know what? I love it that way.
Don't fill out the space because you can...Don't those of you that have written numbers that I am incapable of counting to find yourselves being a little...verbose?
Hmmm..perhaps I'm just a minimalist. I don't mean to offend anyone.
Hey araminta!
It's good that your confident with your major work and its word count but...
both my teachers are HSC English Extension Two SENIOR Markers, and I'm trusting them all the way.
Because they are senior markers if any hsc markers have any queries, anything slight, they have to go and ask them. I have talked to both my teachers about this, they said for a solid and substantial piece of work that
reflects a whole years work, to get in the high A range, you have to be considering at least 2000 words. Actually they were encouraging me with 3000 words.
I don't want to worry anyone. It would not be a good idea to 'stretch' your major work to have more words, but just be aware of that.
Put it this way. A lot of people say quality over quantity. But when the quality corressonds beautifully with quantity, then that's much better.
I hope that makes sense.
And, a minimalist hey? That's cool. Yeah being verbose and flowery gives a negative impression. Cries out to the marker 'i've mastered the thesaurus!'
additionally, at the ee2 study day the guy said something about this. I've forgotten. but I do remember that he said 'even though there is no minimum, be intellectual about it'. 1500 words is a typical essay. Yeah it's poetry, but whenyou have a whole year to work with it it's a bit different. However, you seem to be really happy with it (which is very good) so maybe for reassurance you can mention whyyou chose to stick with your artistic instinct to write only 1500 words. Maybe something along the lines of 'writing too much made my major work vulnerable to loose its meaning. It's strength lies in the minimalist form of poetry that strives to achieve a cohesive, direct and (another word for minimal) way, to deliver its intent and response on a... basis.'
What is you major work about anyway? I hope I've helped.