My teacher says that the very first short answer is always skills based now. As for the last long answer, this year my teacher predicts it will be something on Future Challenges, so we've been doing a fair bit on Human Rights & Reconciliation. However, she also says that if it's not HR&R, there's a large chance it'll be on issues, which is always tested in some of these questions.
She thinks other topics are unlikely, but we should still study for them. It would be very hard to have a huge long answer on the Research Action Plan, and she discounts the Australia's Links as well.
But yeah, make sure that you still know all your stuff of course, because if you aren't tested on X in the last long answer, you'll probably be tested on it the question before. e.g For the 2006 SC you had to know Issues/Research Action Plan, Australia's Links, Future Challenges (Population),