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Really? But he gave me the thumbs up...Farfour said:McCain was in a POW camp you ASSHOLE. HE CAN'T EVEN RAISE HIS ARMS.
Why does getting imprisoned make him a hero?Weinerdogg said:someone post the video where the guest on fox brings up McCain's cheating on his first wife while the anchors are ragging Edwards for the same, and they just shout 'WAR HERO 6 YEARS IN A POW CAMP WAR HERO' over and over
historically markets have been far more accurate than pundits at predicting outcomes, especially this primary season which threw off most pundits.Farfour said:Yeah all those Berliner voters will sure help swing it for Obama!
oi man what's wrong with coming back from a war, finding out ur former beauty queen wife's an ugly mangled cripple then cheating on her until you find some rich barbie slut you want to marry then forcing her to sign a divorce? HE'S A FREAKING WAR HERO!Weinerdogg said:someone post the video where the guest on fox brings up McCain's cheating on his first wife while the anchors are ragging Edwards for the same, and they just shout 'WAR HERO 6 YEARS IN A POW CAMP WAR HERO' over and over Clinton on Wednesday reiterated her vow to stay in the Democratic presidential race, but she said it would be a "terrible mistake" for her supporters to vote for John McCain over Barack Obama.
"Anybody who has ever voted for me or voted for Barack has much more in common in terms of what we want to see happen in our country and in the world with the other than they do with John McCain," Clinton said on CNN's "The Situation Room."
hahahahaha. 'just a heartbeat away from being a pilf'.Enteebee said:
Awwwww!atreus said:hahahahaha. 'just a heartbeat away from being a pilf'.
there are bumper stickers in alaska that say "coldest state, hottest governor"
"There's going to be other wars," McCain warns. "I'm sorry to tell you, there's going to be other wars. We will never surrender, but there will be other wars."
Um, no.bigboyjames said:In case nobody's been paying attention to the horizon, there's an absolute shitstorm coming (US economy, US health care, foreign policy, WW3 etc. etc.), and which ever party is going to control Congress and the White House is going to take the fall for all of it.
This is going to set the other party up for the next 30 years.
watbigboyjames said:In case nobody's been paying attention to the horizon, there's an absolute shitstorm coming (US economy, US health care, foreign policy, WW3 etc. etc.), and which ever party is going to control Congress and the White House is going to take the fall for all of it.
This is going to set the other party up for the next 30 years.
Oh ffs, a pro-life global warming skeptic. Yet there are libertarians on other forums creaming themselves.article said:(Sarah Palin has emerged as John McCain's vice-presidential running mate. Palin talked to Newsmax magazine for its upcoming September 2008 issue about Alaskan oil, global warming, and John McCain.)
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is a God-fearing, gun-toting former beauty queen who could just become America’s next vice president.
In Alaska, the right to bear arms means staying on top of the food chain. Palin, a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association, hunts, shoots, and fishes.
Husband Todd holds a commercial fishing license for salmon. In the mid-1990s, when Todd got a job working on Alaska’s North Slope, Palin decided to occupy herself by becoming mayor of Wasilla, the state's fastest-growing community.
As mayor, she gradually grew frustrated with Alaska’s “good ol’ boy” style of governance -- so she decided to do something about it. She ran for governor in 2006 and won, defeating popular former Democratic Gov. Tony Knowles.
Palin’s victory made her Alaska's first female chief executive, and its youngest.
Now, many insiders believe this 44-year-old mother of five would add a strong conservative presence to the GOP ticket.
Palin tells Newsmax that it’s high time Congress allows the development of Alaska’s wealth of oil and gas. She doubts global warming stems from human activity, and she considers herself both a fiscal and social conservative.
What do you think of McCain’s chances, and what should he and the GOP do to win in November?
I believe John McCain will be our next president. To win, he needs to continue his message that America needs leadership devoted to the public interest — not the special interest. The GOP needs to live the planks of its platform, not just offer lip service.
How did you pull off your election victory as governor?
Alaska was ready for a positive change and tired of the good ol’ boy network. It caused many Alaskans to lose faith in their government. People want faith in their government. I have been able to pass a comprehensive reform law and place the state's checkbook online. You can be a reformer and also be a conservative.
And your stand on abortion?
I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life.
Politically, how would you describe yourself?
Fiscally and socially, I am a conservative. My respect for the three different branches of government and the balance between them has been my guide.
If you were running for president, what causes would you champion?
I would push for a strong military and a sound energy policy. I believe that Alaska can help set an example on energy policy.
Speaking of energy, how much oil and gas does America really have?
We have billions and billions of barrels of oil and trillions of feet of natural gas. We have so much potential from tapping our resources here in Alaska. And we can do this with minimum environmental impact. We have a very pro-development president in President Bush, and yet he failed to push for opening up parts of Alaska to drilling through Congress — and a Republican-controlled Congress, I might add.
I thought when we hit $100 a barrel for oil it would have been a psychological barrier that would have caused Congress to reconsider, but they didn't. Now we are approaching $200 a barrel. It's nonsense not to tap a safe domestic source of oil. I think Americans need to hold Congress accountable on this one.
What is your take on global warming and how is it affecting our country?
A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.
Electoral duds huh?Iron said:For the record, the racist south voted solidly democratic for about a hundred years as payback against Lincoln's war. Democratic senators from the south had the safest seats in the country. Seniority in the Senate is basically determined by how long you've been there, so Southern senators chaired all the important committees and Congress was effectively a southern institution
FDR's New Deal was a major turnaround. Suddenly the Dems were Liberal and playing to the Northern republican states. This made the South uneasy but they had to break all ties after LBJ's attempt at a legacy: the Great Society (civil rights and all that). There was some speculation that the South would become a third force in US politics, but the GOP under Nixon had no qualms soaking conservatism up. What ensued is what some have called the 'permanent majority': the GOP holds the lions share of voters - conservative, white, suburban, middle-class sunbelt America; the Dems are stuck in the pergatory of Northern elites and ethnic minorities - electoral duds.
A pro-life, anti-gays, Creationist global-warming skeptic who for some reason thinks America should have a STRONGER military (what, most powerful in the world isn't enough?). Why would that be I wonder?Farfour said:Sarah Palin Insight
Oh ffs, a pro-life global warming skeptic. Yet there are libertarians on other forums creaming themselves.