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2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi (2 Viewers)


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
While these seem to be pretty generic around here i decided to go ahead and make one in hopes that it will motivate me to do a bit more work at home and possible get some advice from you guys on what i am doing wrong and right in the lead up to my trial HSC exams. I appreciate all feedback everyone can possibly give

Well now that the HSC's over it's been a fun and stressful year. I kicked myself into gear and went from very poor rankings to the rankings i have now. Good luck to all future Students

Current Subjects
  • Standard English
  • Business Studies
  • General Math
  • IPT

Internal Grades
  • Standard English 87% (41/45 Exam 1) (8/10 Exam 2) (19/20 Exam 3) (86/105 Exam 4) - 1/59
  • Business Studies 92% (18/20 Exam 1) (70/80 Exam 2) (30/30 Exam 3) (88/100 Exam 4) - 1/31
  • General Math 70% (26/40 Exam 1) (68/100 Exam 2) (30/40 Exam 3) (70/100 Exam 4) - 8/53
  • IPT 93% (49/60 Exam 1) (69/80 Exam 2) (100/100 Exam 3) (94/100 Exam 4) (99/100 Exam 5) - 3/22
  • ITVET 89% (64/80 Exam 1) (71/80 Exam 2) - 1/14

Reported Internal Rankings

Reported HSC Results

Final ATAR

University Offer

ATAR Aim: 90+ Achieved!

My motto for this year is "what you put in is what you get out", i hope you all join me in my journey to hopeful triumph over the HSC

Current Status as of 05/11/2014

gg hsc
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 15/05/2014

Well this will be my first update of this journal. Pretty much detailing what i managed to get done today

  • Got my business studies notes up to date, covering and revising the dot points
    • Planning and implementing – financial needs, budgets, record systems, financial risks, financial controls
    - Debt and equity financing – advantages and disadvantages of each
    - Matching the terms and source of finance to business purpose
    • Monitoring and controlling – cash flow statement, income statement, balance sheet
  • Competed quotes analysis for Cosi - Standard English, due tomorrow as homework

I also went ahead and looked into some different study methods, as my current method consists of simply writing out my notes and trying to remember them (which has been successful, but is very time consuming). If anyone has suggestions i would be glad to hear them

I got home at around 5:30 today being much later than usual and spent a decent amount of time getting this journal up and running, hopefully i can get a little more done tomorrow


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 16/05/2014

I had a pretty productive day today and feel much more motivated to devote myself to my studies. Seeming that the weekend is coming up i am hoping to get a practice paper done for IPT so i can hand it to my teacher on Monday along with making notes for half of my first topic, Some character analysis and short answer questions for Standard, At least 1 syllabus dot point of notes for Business and some revision for General Math

  • Finished Chapter 12 in General Math
  • Did the full chapter review of Loans and Annuities (Chapter 1) for General Math along with making notes on how to answer the questions for later revision. It took me around 3 and a half hours but i think it helped a lot
  • Memorized the income statement formulas for Business (COGS, Gross profit, Net profit) and did 3 activities on them
  • Attempted the 2013 HSC IPT multiple choice section, getting 13/20 (which was expected due to me not going over the content since my half yearly exam last term)
  • Interpreted the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Module B (Cosi) HSC questions for Standard English. Establishing how i would go about answering them, hopefully i can start writing essays by the end of next week

Additionally, i also applied for UWS Day located at Parramatta taking place on 3rd of June. Hoping to get some details on my course and study skills that i will be able to utilize throughout the coming months. I am personally looking forward to it
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Active Member
May 30, 2013
Update 16/05/2014

I had a pretty productive day today and feel much more motivated to devote myself to my studies. Seeming that the weekend is coming up i am hoping to get a practice paper done for IPT so i can hand it to my teacher on Monday along with making notes for half of my first topic, Some character analysis and short answer questions for Standard, At least 1 syllabus dot point of notes for Business and some revision for General Math

  • Finished Chapter 12 in General Math
  • Did the full chapter review of Loans and Annuities (Chapter 1) for General Math along with making notes on how to answer the questions for later revision. It took me around 3 and a half hours but i think it helped a lot
  • Memorized the income statement formulas for Business (COGS, Gross profit, Net profit) and did 3 activities on them
  • Attempted the 2013 HSC IPT multiple choice section, getting 13/20 (which was expected due to me not going over the content since my half yearly exam last term)
  • Interpreted the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Module B (Cosi) HSC questions for Standard English. Establishing how i would go about answering them, hopefully i can start writing essays by the end of next week

Additionally, i also applied for UWS Day located at Parramatta taking place on 3rd of June. Hoping to get some details on my course and study skills that i will be able to utilize throughout the coming months. I am personally looking forward to it
Excellent job... Keep up the great work... :)

BTW - You do not have to memorise the Finance Ratios for Business Studies.... The Board of Studies will give you the formulas if you need them... :)

I will go onto the website and find the link that tells you. :)


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 17/05/2014

For the first time in a while i actually spent my Saturday quite well, while falling short of my total expectations i got a satisfactory amount of work done and gained a better understanding of the content for most of my subjects. I am likely going to go out for a few hours tomorrow to see relatives but other than that i'm hoping to get the rest of my weekend work completed (at this rate its unlikely but a man can dream)

  • Revised the Chapter 1 review for general math, timing myself to finish it in 30 minutes. Getting 24/26 overall
  • Made notes on 1/3 of the first topic (project management) for IPT while covering all of the group task discussions and activities up to page 38 of the Samuel Davis IPT textbook. (This took me around 5-6 hours as i had to figure out how to effectively make notes and summarize information from the Davis textbook)
  • Made notes on and interpreted the Cosi character and theme analysis document provided by my Standard English teacher, planning to do the short answer questions and extended response tomorrow
  • Created a glossary for Standard English, hoping to improve my vocabulary to assist in my creative and essay writing

Also, thanks to Smile12345 about the advice on not having to memorize financial ratios. It will likely save me a bit of work


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 18/05/2014

Well it seems that i fell quite short of my weekend goals. I have to say that it was well spent though, i haven't done this much work on a weekend in a long time. My main concern is that i didn't end up getting my extended response for English completed, I'll attempt to wake up early tomorrow morning and complete it as i want to get some feedback as soon as possible.

  • Revised the Chapter 1 review for general math again, timing myself to finish it in 30 minutes. Getting 26/26 this time
  • Revised the full 'role of financial management' and half of 'influences on financial management' for Business
  • Completed the Cosi character and theme analysis short answer questions for Standard English. (I personally found these quite difficult, hopefully i didn't answer them too badly though)

I spent a good amount of time today making visual reminders of my ATAR goal and making some 'challenges' for myself to fulfill every week, mainly revolving around revision of the content that i have covered over the last 2 terms. Hopefully these will assist in maintaining my motivation levels in the lead up to the HSC exams
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2014
Ok, not sure if I read this wrong - but general math has sciency aspects like energy and sustainability? o3o

Maths just got better c:


May 1, 2011
well i had a different idea in mind of who katsumi was


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 19/05/2014

Today has been quite productive but i once again fell short of my total expectations, i had to do that extended response i put off yesterday in the afternoon due to sleeping through my alarm, meaning that i didn't have time to do the HSC Belonging past paper i wanted to get through today. Apart from that i received 2 assignments that i am aiming for the #1 rank in and asked my math teacher to print me off some chapter reviews/questions from other general math textbooks so i can practice for an upcoming exam

  • Completed Standard English Cosi Essay
  • Completed Exersize 8-01 General Math
  • Received a new ITVET project for the unit "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 1/7
  • Completed 7 page income statement activity booklet for Business - due tomorrow as homework
  • Business balance sheet notes and revision
  • Received an IPT assignment worth 20% today, looking for 90-100% in order to increase my rank. Worked on a survey that i will likely distribute to my year group in the coming week

Well.. i need to get to bed seeming that i have a before school business lesson tomorrow. If anyone has any suggestions on how to study for general math outside of the New Century Math textbook please send them my way


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 20/05/2014

Well i woke up feeling terrible and accordingly wasn't as productive as i could have been today. I'm planning to wake up early tomorrow and work ahead of my class for Business Studies, other than that i got most of my required work done and a little extra. Once again i didn't get that Belonging practice paper done (i will do it tomorrow) and i really need to look into progressing in my notes for IPT.

  • Completed Cosi Extended Response for Standard English
  • Completed Exersize 8-02 for general math
  • Completed 5 page balance sheet activity booklet for Business - due tomorrow as homework
  • Made case study notes on the marketing section of Woolworth's for Business (Operations and Marketing done)
  • Business Studies processes of financial management revision
  • Completed and distributed the survey for my IPT assignment, Planning to move onto the next stage on friday

For now, I'm just glad that i did an acceptable amount of work today. The HSC All Rounders list isn't going to come easily :read:


Ancient Orator
Oct 21, 2013
Update 20/05/2014

Well i woke up feeling terrible and accordingly wasn't as productive as i could have been today. I'm planning to wake up early tomorrow and work ahead of my class for Business Studies, other than that i got most of my required work done and a little extra. Once again i didn't get that Belonging practice paper done (i will do it tomorrow) and i really need to look into progressing in my notes for IPT.

  • Completed Cosi Extended Response for Standard English
  • Completed Exersize 8-02 for general math
  • Completed 5 page balance sheet activity booklet for Business - due tomorrow as homework
  • Made case study notes on the marketing section of Woolworth's for Business (Operations and Marketing done)
  • Business Studies processes of financial management revision
  • Completed and distributed the survey for my IPT assignment, Planning to move onto the next stage on friday

For now, I'm just glad that i did an acceptable amount of work today. The HSC All Rounders list isn't going to come easily :read:
well done, keep up the great work :D

I'm sure u'll get all rounders :D


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 21/05/2014

I was a little more tired than usual throughout today but i got everything i wanted done. I really need to pick up my workload over the next 2 days due to me being relatively occupied over the weekend. With the Red Shield Appeal on Saturday and relative visits on Sunday. So far my motivation has not dropped yet, i'm hoping that this continues throughout the duration of my HSC year.

  • Completely rewrote Cosi Extended Response for Standard English - due tomorrow as homework
  • Completed a creative writing piece for Belonging in Standard. Looking to get feedback tomorrow on how to improve (i was considering doing the practice paper but realized that this may be more beneficial)
  • Completed Exersize 8-03 for General Math
  • Business Studies financial statement and syllabus revision
  • ITVET Project "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 2/6

Apart from the above i am currently on 10/25 required responses for IPT so response rates are coming along well for now. I need to look into investing more time into practice papers and desperately need to get my IPT notes up to scratch (still 1/3 through topic 1). I will once again need to wake up early tomorrow in order to work ahead of my business class...


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 22/05/2014

There isn't really that much to say about today, i worked pretty slowly while at home but finished all my required work for tomorrow. I managed to get 2 revision booklets for general math that i requested earlier in the week so that's pretty cool. I still desperately need to catch up on my IPT notes but i have been inundated with Business and English stuff over the past week, any spare time i manage to find has been spent on assignments and that creative writing task. I'm looking forward to the weekend as i will likely be able to polish up all of my notes and do a few practice papers

  • Completed Cosi themes analysis for Standard English to assist me with essay writing
  • Completed Exersize 8-04 General Math
  • Completed 6 page current ratio booklet for business
  • ITVET project "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 3/6
  • Financial ratio calculations for Woolworth's 2013 and 2012 cash flow statements, income statements and balance sheets in preparation for a Business assessment taking place a month from now. Need to ask my teacher some questions tomorrow before i can progress any further
  • Business notes for half of the dot point
    • Financial ratios

No IPT survey responses today T_T and i will have to wake up early once again to attend a before school General Math lesson. Hopefully i have a productive day tomorrow to compensate for lost time due to the Red Shield Appeal
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 23/05/2014

Seeming that i have little as taken a proper break over the past 7 days i decided to relax a little today, watching a movie and browsing the net for a while since i got home, i honestly didn't get too much done today but seeming that the weekend is coming up i'll make up for it by increasing my productivity over the next 2 days. I was given a Standard English task today, which i need to get over 90% on and on top of that, also got handed my semester one report. I'm not too happy with it, but that only means i have a lot of room for improvement.

  • Completed General Math chapter 1 review again
  • Completed half of a chapter 1 revision booklet for General Math, in preparation for my exam in a fortnights time
  • ITVET "provide IT advice to clients". Half finished part 4/9 (I had a few more parts added on)
  • Standard English Module B assessment, prescribed texts analysis

As for what i am planning to do this weekend, i want to finish my IPT notes for the first topic, answer the 2011 HSC question for my Module B text: Cosi, Complete the chapter 4 review for General Math, Rewrite my Belonging creative, analyse/comment on the Woolworth's financial ratios for my business assignment along with revision of the finance syllabus, and complete an ITVET past paper. Hopefully i can manage to get this all done
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 24/05/2014

Well, i managed to get sick. My head is throbbing and as such my work efficiency has dropped (despite working all day today i didn't get an amazing amount done). Just going to hope that it magically goes away tomorrow as i frantically try to fulfill my weekend goals

  • Completed General Math Chapter 1 review
  • Completed General Math Chapter 4 (Statistical Distributions) review along with making notes on how to answer the questions for later revision
  • Completed the General Math practice test given out on Friday - 90%
  • Rewrote my Belonging creative for Standard
  • Made notes on another section of Topic 1 for IPT. Notes are 1/2 complete now

Still have 2 practice papers, half a topic of notes, business revision and assignment preparation to do. Oh god


Active Member
May 30, 2013
Update 24/05/2014

Well, i managed to get sick. My head is throbbing and as such my work efficiency has dropped (despite working all day today i didn't get an amazing amount done). Just going to hope that it magically goes away tomorrow as i frantically try to fulfill my weekend goals

  • Completed General Math Chapter 1 review
  • Completed General Math Chapter 4 (Statistical Distributions) review along with making notes on how to answer the questions for later revision
  • Completed the General Math practice test given out on Friday - 90%
  • Rewrote my Belonging creative for Standard
  • Made notes on another section of Topic 1 for IPT. Notes are 1/2 complete now

Still have 2 practice papers, half a topic of notes, business revision and assignment preparation to do. Oh god
Oh dear...

You're still covering a lot though.... Awesome job... :)


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 25/05/2014

I feel absolutely awful, things got a whole lot worse since yesterday. I got little work done but at this point i'm honestly just hoping that i feel better tomorrow (that didn't work very well last time though). Haven't missed a day this year and i don't really want to start now

  • Revised Role of financial management and the first 2 dot points of Influences on financial management for Business
  • Completed 3 Business worksheets that i didn't do at the start of the term


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