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2014 HSC Journal: Katsumi (2 Viewers)


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 26/05/2014

Feeling a lot better now and i actually managed to get an acceptable amount of work done today. I got my marks back for my latest Standard English task worth 15%, getting 8/10. I am personally disappointed with it but that only means i have a lot of room to improve by the trials. I still have my #1 rank (because i need to be #1 in something) but i'll need to buckle down for my upcoming task in 2 weeks to make sure it stays that way.

  • Completed Exersize 8-05 General Math
  • Completed the 2011 HSC Module B: Cosi essay
  • ITVET "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 4/9
  • Actually found a working study method for business that doesn't include writing out my notes until i remember them - revised gaps in my content knowledge
  • Reviewed my Module A task that i got handed back today, making notes on what i did wrong

Well that's what i managed to get done. I have 25/25 of my required IPT responses so i really need to move onto another stage in the near future. I'm also going to try and do 1 Module B essay question per day over the coming week so hopefully i manage to get that done. Maybe tomorrow i wont spend over an hour researching study methods


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
Update 26/05/2014

Feeling a lot better now and i actually managed to get an acceptable amount of work done today. I got my marks back for my latest Standard English task worth 15%, getting 8/10. I am personally disappointed with it but that only means i have a lot of room to improve by the trials. I still have my #1 rank (because i need to be #1 in something) but i'll need to buckle down for my upcoming task in 2 weeks to make sure it stays that way.

  • Completed Exersize 8-05 General Math
  • Completed the 2011 HSC Module B: Cosi essay
  • ITVET "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 4/9
  • Actually found a working study method for business that doesn't include writing out my notes until i remember them - revised gaps in my content knowledge
  • Reviewed my Module A task that i got handed back today, making notes on what i did wrong

Well that's what i managed to get done. I have 25/25 of my required IPT responses so i really need to move onto another stage in the near future. I'm also going to try and do 1 Module B essay question per day over the coming week so hopefully i manage to get that done. Maybe tomorrow i wont spend over an hour researching study methods
i'm curious if u don't mind sharing, what's your method of study for business studies? i'm actually cramming for my half yearly test right now :/ but i plan on studying more in the future


Active Member
May 30, 2013
Good to hear. :)

Also interested in your method of studying for Business Studies. :) (You can PM me if you want. :))
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 27/05/2014

Another decently productive school day goes by. Hopefully my sickness will completely clear up tomorrow and i can be back to 100% efficiency. I am slowly progressing with assignments and am trying to revise business on a daily basis whenever i get time, with luck i should have a good knowledge of the majority of finance by the end of the week.

  • Completed Exersize 8-06 General Math
  • Completed Standard English Cosi Essay
  • ITVET "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 5/9
  • Completed 5 page Gearing ratio booklet for business - due tomorrow as homework
  • Made case study notes on the Finance section of Woolworth's for Business (Operations, Marketing and Finance done)
  • IPT Assignment work, should complete part 1/5 tomorrow afternoon

I need to progress on my IPT assignment to the point that part 2/5 is completed by the end of the week and have yet to start preparing for Standard English (as i feel that i need more practice with Cosi to produce something worth 90%+). But for now.. sleep


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 28/05/2014

Pretty bad time management on my part today, i have been working since 4PM and have got a pretty average amount of work done. I actually managed to forget my folder today (which contained the essays i needed to hand in, meaning no English feedback) and spent the majority of my afternoon on my IT subjects

  • Completed Exersize 8-07 General Math
  • ITVET "provide IT advice to clients". Finished part 9/9 Complete!
  • IPT Assignment Work - Completed survey analysis and part of my requirements report. Can't progress until i get feedback from my IPT teacher
  • Business revision on the financial ratios i have covered

I spent a significant amount of time completing my ITVET task, which pretty much puts me ~1.5 weeks ahead of my class (giving me time to do practice papers and notes) and am hoping to get feedback for both IPT and English tomorrow so i can progress.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 29/05/2014

I worked on my IPT assignment for 6 hours today and made absolutely miserable process. I must be doing something wrong, i plan to show my teacher what i managed to get done tomorrow and hopefully get some advice on how to get myself back on track

  • Completed 5 page Profitability ratio booklet for Business - due tomorrow as homework
  • Made business notes on all financial ratios
  • Completed a very small portion of my IPT assignment despite devoting my whole afternoon to it



Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Seeming that it was a Friday afternoon i took around half of it off school work to bring down my stress levels. With another weekend coming up i have a ton of work i need to do and will only be home for the lesser half of tomorrow. I'll get it done... somehow

  • Completed IPT Assignment Part 1/5
  • General Math Exersize 8-08
  • 2 Business Worksheets - due monday as homework

Spent another ~3 hours finishing the finishing the first part of my IPT assignment but at least it's done... maybe now i'll be able to focus on my other subjects a little more


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 04/06/2014

Well seeming that i haven't updated over the past few days i'll give a basic rundown of my awful productivity

  • On Saturday i spent most of the day out and went to a friends 18th
  • On Sunday i was hung over and did absolutely nothing
  • On Monday i felt absolutely awful and did very little, only revision for upcoming exams
  • On Tuesday i went to UWS in Parramatta for an open day, got home at 5PM and just slept

As for today i am light headed and feel awful, still managed to go to school but i can't see myself getting too much done. Over the last few days i have made miserable progress but hopefully i can gain my work ethic back some time soon seeming that i have 2 exams next week



Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 05/06/2014

Another generally unproductive day. I have tomorrow off so hopefully i can manage to get myself together then

  • Got my Business notes up to date
  • Completed 2 business worksheets that i didn't do earlier in the week

My lack of work over the past week is depressing.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 09/06/2014

I completed an absolutely commendable amount of flash games this long weekend. Well.. i decided to stop being an idiot today and my work ethic is finally back up to what it used to be, i really have no idea what got into me for the past ~8 days but seems like i got sick of studying and the rest and just procrastinated a lot. All water under the bridge now though

  • Completed and refined my Standard English essay for my assessment on Wednesday
  • Did a quick skim over my General Math topics for my assessment on Wednesday
  • Organized all of my Business Studies sheets (>70) after putting it off for around 2 months

I'm planning to stay home tomorrow and spend all day memorizing my Standard English essay and studying for General Math seeming that i have both tasks back to back on Wednesday. As for now i really need sleep


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 10/06/2014

Very, very stressed at the moment. I have 2 exams tomorrow and haven't finished preparing for either. I'll probably get to bed at around ~12 and wake up at ~5 to study for General Math. Please say i do well in both exams.

  • Revised my essay for Standard English
  • Timed myself for Standard English
  • Memorized my essay for standard English (still going now but meh)
  • Skim over General Math, need to do ~2 hours of study before school tomorrow

Now back to study~


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 12/06/2014

I think i managed to do pretty well in Standard English yet my General Math exam didn't go very well in my opinion, i revised most of the content a fair lot starting weeks before the exam but some of the questions where just really difficult, hopefully i manage to do alright. As for today i have been primarily working on the IPT assignment that i have due next Wednesday since i got home, hopefully i can get it completely finished by saturday night but i still have a long way to go from here

  • Wrote 1 syllabus dot point of business notes - still 3 dot points behind
  • Completed part 2/5 of my IPT assignment, doing about ~3000 words of documentation
  • Started working on the development of my actual website which i will hopefully get done later tonight


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 15/06/2014

Well since i last updated i have pretty much been doing my IPT assignment (due on Wednesday) and not much else. I am around an hour off of completing part 5/5, yet have to go back and do a few diagrams and stuff i skipped over earlier. My documentation is at around 12,000 words and i have completely finished my website, yet i am just sick of it at this point. I also have a Business Studies exam on Wednesday that i haven't even started studying for due to this IPT project. I have had very little sleep over the past few days and it doesn't look like i will be getting too much tonight either.

I honestly don't know how i am going to manage 90%+ in both of the tasks. God have mercy on my soul


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 19/06/2014

Since i last updated

  • Finished my IPT Assignment
  • Finished my Finance notes for Business
  • A lot of Business exam preparation
  • General Math Exercises 11-01, 11-02, 11-03, 11-04
  • Started analyzing Module C text for Standard
  • 1/3 of an Information Technology practice paper (Just did it in class seeming that i have finished all of my content for the subject and have little to do)
  • Completed ITVET Project: Create simple websites

Until a few days ago it wouldn't be a lie to say that i hit a low point and lost a fair lot of motivation, to the point where i was neglecting school for a while. I gained my composure a few days before exams and started studying yet i can't say i am completely sure of how i went

My basic feel on how i did for this exam block

Standard English: I feel that my essay was of a pretty high quality and i managed to finish it in time without cutting any corners like my last, i knew my themes, concepts, quotes and analysis well. I am hoping for 90%, anything lower will more than likely bump me down a rank
General Math: This was my least confident exam. Apparently i managed to get 27/40 (68%), i studied a fair bit beforehand but i didn't find it to be an easy test. The highest mark in the grade was 33/40 and i currently know of 5 people who scored higher than me so i'm hoping for a top 8 rank, which should effectively move my overall rank to at least #11 (hopefully around #10). I will be happy with that
IPT: tfw my IPT teachers face when i handed him a 15,000 word project. Apart from sheer length, i wrote following the textbook and syllabus, so i'm pretty confident in the quality. Hoping for a #1 - #3 task rank, which should move my overall rank into the top 5
Business Studies: Well in this exam i either did really well or really mediocre. I am confident in terms of getting the content onto paper (I covered almost everything and didn't really find any questions difficult) but that's what worries me more or less. I am hoping for a #1 or #2 rank for this one

Well i have gained the majority of my motivation back and could even say that i am a little more motivated than before. I am finally at the point where i am finishing, or on the last syllabus section of each of my subjects (so the time i have been waiting for since the beginning of prelim) and can start working solidly to remember everything i need.

So where am i going to go from here?
  • Finish all of the content for my Subjects during the school holidays
  • Get into the habit of daily practice papers and regular reviews of old content
  • Start studying old topics for trials starting next week

My main short term goal for now is to be in the position where i don't need to do any hardcore study/cramming in the 2 weeks leading up to my trials, just doing practice papers and regular reviews for all my subjects. As for my trial goals, i am aiming for a 90%+ in each of my subjects and move each of my subject ranks into the top #3. It will be hard but i believe it is achievable with effort

Well i'm pretty much done with my rest/lowered productivity due to my recent exam block so hopefully i can start working at maximum efficiency tomorrow. If anyone has some tips for trial study/going over old content please share

Sry for long update


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 24/06/2014

I really need to start updating this daily again, i haven't really done much work at home recently due to me doing family stuff all weekend and relaxing after exams, i need to get back into a routine in the near future in order to achieve my high goals in the trials

I received 2 of my examinations back today and am generally happy with my results

  • Business Studies - 30/30 (100%) (1/31). I was kind of surprised on this one seeming that to my knowledge the last person to get full marks in Task 3 at my school was a state ranker back in 2011. I was ahead of #2 by 10% and this raises my overall course rank to #1.
  • General Math - 30/40 (75%) (~6/53). Now while this percentile wasn't too desirable i can't be disappointed with this due to my relatively high task rank compared to my 15/53 in half yearlies. The task rank is an educated estimate due to ranks not being released, however the top of the grade was 33/40 and i have a good understanding of marks for this task so i'll just go with it for now. Hopefully this will boost my course rank into the top 10 so i am in a good position to make top 5 after the trials.

As for what i have done since i last updated... i have just completed all of my in school work and started my HR notes for business. As i mentioned above, i need to start working 4-5 hours a day during home time again pretty badly


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 30/06/2014

Done little to nothing this holidays so far, started working again today but i really have to start doing a lot more to get properly prepared for the trials in a few weeks.

  • Attended 5 and a half hours of English HSC Preparation seminars at my school
  • A lot of Standard English practice questions

From here guess i will go home and collect all of my quotes for belonging seeming that i have forgot most of the content for my prescribed and related text. If all goes to plan i'll start doing some more intense stuff starting tomorrow. Need to get motivated again


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 06/07/2014

Since i last updated i have done absolutely nothing school related, played a huge amount of flash games, watched 4 seasons of breaking bad and 2 seasons of anime. I regret this so damn much. On Tuesday i looked at the Peter Skrzynecki poems for belonging and just freaked out, no idea why but consequently i kind of shut down and started neglecting everything.

Well with 3 weeks until the trials i feel that i can still pick up my game provided that i stop being a complete idiot. My work ethic has honestly been fluctuating like mad over the past 2 months and i really need to make a legitimate effort to pick it up. I tell myself to do work most nights, have set visual reminders in plain sight, made a timetable, set multiple alarms yet is seems that none of it works. Then again, saying i will do things is easy and actually doing them is a complete other notion. I really want to do well in the HSC however, i find that i continuously just put off my planned work for god knows what reason, only to regret it later. I honestly want to be near if not at #1 in all of my trial exam ranks, i feel that it is possible but god damn i need to pull my head out of my ass immediately for that to even be a remote possibility

Well here is what i hope to get done this holidays

  • Complete IPT Notes for all 5 topics (Currently: Half way through the first topic)
  • Complete Business Studies notes for Human Resources
  • Complete English Analysis for Peter Skrzynecki poems
  • General Math Study for what i hope is all HSC topics
  • ITVET, IPT, Business, English, Math - At least 1 practice paper per subject

Time to get off BoS and get started i guess


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Update 07/07/2014

Other than running off around ~2 hours of sleep due to messing up my body clock over the past week today has been quite good. My work ethic is back up to the standard that i want it to be and while i'm anxious of hell with a mountain of work to get through in order to be in any position to do well in the trials i think i may manage to get on top of it in the next fortnight.

  • Attended strawberrye's belonging seminar in Parramatta
  • Structured a few paragraphs for Belonging HSC Questions. I still have a lot of work to do on them
  • Reviewed my IPT Notes and highlighted a section of the Davis textbook in order to make notes tomorrow

I definitely need to get more done tomorrow but for now... i really need sleep

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