leaveWhat is wrong with you
Go get arrestedleave
no im a womanuhm... aren't you a guy...
I thought u like girls huhno im a woman
wtaf is wrong with uGo get arrested
Is she a lesbian?I thought u like girls huh
no man im straight where did he get that fromIs she a lesbian?
let the poor guy be extremely sad about his friend who he definitely didn’t see as anything else in peaceguys can we bully that guy and tag him im bored
I’m concerned for all the innocent women that accidentally look at u and yeahwtaf is wrong with u
k... u thought u did sumI’m concerned for all the innocent women that accidentally look at u and yeah
there’s no way ahahahWait are you actually a girl, cause I thought you were a boy the whole time and now I’m so confused
remember when i thought u were a guyremember when I used to think synthesis was a girl
@carrotsssif u had to predict someone was acc lowk gay would yall say
ill get slandered if i sayif u had to predict someone was acc lowk gay would yall say
im going w @SadCeliac
nah spillill get slandered if i say