That's ok-
accelerated is when you are super smart so you can do the year above level of math in the year below- i'm bad at explaining so I hope an explanation helps:
In year 9, my brother was doing year 10 math
so in year 10 he did his prelims
so in year 11 he did his Math ADV and Extension HSC as well as studies of religion accelerated (he did his SOR HSC exam in year 11 instead of year 12)
So he had three subjects he did the year before meaning he had more time to focus on other subjects in year 12-
You wanna know something funny
I was getting one of the top marks in my class 4 math but my teacher turned me down for accelerated cause she thought i couldn't handle it mentally and that i'd stress out too much lmao so that sucks for me i guess.
wow that's INTENSE hsc at year 11 DAMN
Here's an anecdote, I kinda did this but like in the most unofficial and shit way imaginable. At the beginning of year 10 (last year) i did pretty good for the maths task 1 and so I asked if I could have some resource I could use to gauge next year or smth I got these two resources:
1. New Senior mathematics 3u course for year 11 and 12
2. New Senior Mathematics 4U course for year 12
They were dirty books (like I mean ripped and shit) from the literal 90s for the old syllabus
Now I read a bit of these but like COULDN'T UNDERSTAND A THING like WTH was I looking at?????? I saw this thing called circle geometry like bro why did one circle have like 70 lines and curves on it???
I didn't use it at all but I got to see what looks to be total torture
Fortunately at the end of the year i exchanged and got like the same kinda thing but for the 2u course (i still have it) and it instead is actually understandable
it starts with like decimals and adding fractions and builds up from there to this voodoo shit called integral calculus