so heres the smackdown.
i go to the 18th.. was pretty gay..
my fone was about to die so i ask if i can charge it..
at about 8.30 i call him cuz i had to ask him something.. im not very logical so i asked him for advice.. he's a friend ryt.. so its all good...
i asked him if i shud get in the car and drive my drunk friends around to some girls place that they wanted to hook up with or atleast get to come to the party.. but knowing them and their drunken state we wudda had a crash. cuz being in the car with them- 4 other guys,when theyre not drunk theyre already crazy like grabbing me from the back seat and mucking around so i cant drive properly... or atleast makes it hard to drive safely!
but yeh then he still sounded pretty bummed... and so he decided to call me bak, when he was "ready"
there goes about 1/2 hr later.. and i get the call.. he gets me to guess wats been wrong with him and of course i didnt say it straight up... i wasnt entirely sure ne way.. so yeh eventually i said u might like me? and hes like not just "like" its more than that! i got a sinking feeling in my stomach after that.. im like wtf and i gonna do now???
but i didnt turn him down flat out.. i said maybe we shud just take things slow. figure out wat we're gonna do... consequences and all that jazz...
he told me he'd been restless about it for weeks and it took him a whole day to come to terms with it and make a decision about whether or not we shud pursue something.. he said ive fuked him up lol cuz he's never ever felt like that b4 and been like that and he cant do things cuz im always on his mind..
so yeh.. then i hated the party- he lives about an hr away and hed neva been ne where near there b4. but he decided to pik me up and "rescue" me from it.. so he did and we went for a crusie and talked..
atm, i dont really feel that my whole heart is in it. im still pretty confused. searching for wat to do...
and to add to it, my phscyho ex camped outside my house last nyt afta seeing me at the party. i told him i wasnt gonna stay over and so he decided not to as well! makes me wonda wat the hell was he gonna do to me if i did!!
he went back to his stalker ways. he knew my friend was coming to get me last nyt and as soon as he heard my fone go off he walked outside under a tree with his arms folded staring intently into the car! kinda freaky
*cries* these situations are too hard to handle!
theres ur lowdown on the situation..
sorry if i bored u guys half to death..