90 Atar Impossible? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
First time posting on this and I'm just hoping somebody replies. :(

My goal has never been a high atar and in fact, Ive always wanted to do fine arts so it was never a big deal to me. Being the nonchalant person I was, I picked subjects that appealed to me and were not very "high scaling subjects". Just recently however, I had stuff happen in my life that made me change my course preference and I'm an international student so my tuition fees are like 30000 a year (I desperately want a scholarship at UTS).

My rankings and marks however, are not the best.
ADV ENGLISH: 80 range (around 17/24ish?)
GEN MATHS: 85+ (not sure about ranking but I topped it out of 30 for trials)
VA: 47/50 theory, 30/50 prac (3/11)
JAP: 85+ (15/70)
KOREAN HERITAGE: 85+ (18/40ish)

Honestly, I'm not the best student and was never really interested in school but I've changed the way I think and I'm really regretting my past two years. Is it impossible now to get a high atar (85-95)?

Thanks for reading, greatly appreciated xxxxxx :wavey::wavey:

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