Eee.. first post in this huge forum thingy, so if I've got this in the wrong spot, can someone please redirect me?
Admittedly, I'm not even in Year 12, but we've picked our subjects for the year and in nearly a week I start back at school as a Year Twelver. Obviously I picked EE2, and though it seems a little silly, I've spent the last couple of days searching around here trying to understand what the whole course is about.
I picked EE2 because I love to write. But I love to write fiction and nearly everyone I've talked to, or the MW's that I have read in this forum, have been nearly incomprehensible to me. All this stuff about Post-Modernism, or a deep analysis of something or other and I don't really understand them. That's not to say they aren't good, I just don't understand them. And people give their comments on them about how good/bad they are because of a, b or c and I have no clue what they're talking about.
I want to write a short story for my MW. I haven't decided what yet. I guess what I'm asking is: Can you write, say, a short fantasy story, or a crime-fiction story or even a comedy, and still do all right? Because I'd rather know now if I have to write something like the short stories I've read because if I do, I'd say I'm a little fucked.
Admittedly, I'm not even in Year 12, but we've picked our subjects for the year and in nearly a week I start back at school as a Year Twelver. Obviously I picked EE2, and though it seems a little silly, I've spent the last couple of days searching around here trying to understand what the whole course is about.
I picked EE2 because I love to write. But I love to write fiction and nearly everyone I've talked to, or the MW's that I have read in this forum, have been nearly incomprehensible to me. All this stuff about Post-Modernism, or a deep analysis of something or other and I don't really understand them. That's not to say they aren't good, I just don't understand them. And people give their comments on them about how good/bad they are because of a, b or c and I have no clue what they're talking about.
I want to write a short story for my MW. I haven't decided what yet. I guess what I'm asking is: Can you write, say, a short fantasy story, or a crime-fiction story or even a comedy, and still do all right? Because I'd rather know now if I have to write something like the short stories I've read because if I do, I'd say I'm a little fucked.