It’s a pretty hard term to define. I don't do this course but in terms of fine art perhaps you could define it as a genre of art and literature that makes a self-conscious break from preceding genres. Remember modernity comes simply from a change in perception which results in a new variable. I think in terms of fine art this variable would be genre. Meh, I don’t know if that’s correct though.
yeah, that's the thing, all the definitions i've got are broad/general, linked to other areas, contradictory or just plain wrong lol .. i thought i had it all sussed out and then i read too much about modernism and i've just lost it lol stupid, stupid modernism lol
hehe, some people have wasted there entire lives trying to figure how to define modernism. I would just give up and if your lecturer marks u down for ur definition, ask for a definition and see if he/she can do it. Perhaps you could just be a postmodernist and say that you can't define it as your context makes your interpretation bias.