Oh yeah the "So Gay Dance Music Sucks?" Lecture in Contemporary Cultures 2 is a MUST SEE LECTURE. It is absolutely hilarious. Don't miss it. It's some the best value you will get for your HECS fees at UTS lol. I missed the lecture where Tony Mitchell did some MC-ing, and apparently that was worth watching too just because it is quite bizarre when a middle aged academic breaks out in to rap in a lecture.
Also, around student election time you may be lucky enough to witness some interesting election campaigns taking place at the beginning of your lectures......
Second year is better in terms of the subjects..... except if you first year people think you have a lot to read this year lol.... wait until you get to second year. I'm doing a third year subject this semester as well, so OMFG...... so much to read, you have no idea!!!!!! Take all of your first year readers..... add them all together.... and that is how thick my readers are just for ONE subject!!! Plus, there is nothing but wanky words in the readings....but that is the third year subject, there is a bit less for my other two subjects.
Just enjoy first year.... you actually learn a lot without even realizing it. Even though you may think the first year subjects are pointless, I have begun to realize that they have actually made me a lot more analytical and knowledgable.... and I actually had a fair bit of fun at uni last year too. Plus some of the topics are quite interesting and you can get in to some great discussions in your tutes.
I didn't do half my readings last year.... I missed the odd lecture and tute.... I did my assignments at the last minute.... I also worked full time..... but I had a lot of fun, passed all my subjects, got some journo stuff published and got good "grades" on all of my assignments anyway....
So yeah, don't stress, do what you have to do, and soak it all in. Make friends, have fun, learn..... worry more about the readings when your subjects are actually graded.
For the girl worried about lecture clashes, just go to the 9am lecture..... nobody will even know who is supposed to be in what lecture, it doesn't matter at all.