There is a postcode system, whereby if you live in a remote postcode, you put it on your application and you get some sort of concession as far as your chances of getting accommodation go. I don't know if it means 100% chance. My postcode's not on there, despite living in a village of around 100 people, but then again it's:
a) Same as a town of 8,000 people
b) Within 120km of both Dubbo and Bathurst campuses
And CSU's accommodation system is the same for everywhere, not just Wagga Wagga. Half the rooms get allocated to first years, and very few get denied accommodation. There's new housing going in at Wagga Wagga (any CSU Wagga Wagga people seen the posters where the Rivcoll sign used to be? Outside the Nosh Pit, next to the roller shutter, for the JAFFYs amongst us).