You'd be amazed at what you'd find out if you just did a little googling and reading... This is what I learned just from reading the top article after googling "adaptations water lilies":
Since water lilies have only the top surface exposed to sunlight while they float on water, all of their stomata (used for tranpsiration) and chloroplasts (used for photosynthesis) are bunched together on the top surface only. This allows them to still carry out transpiration and photosynthesis effectively. Also, the top surface has a waxy layer that repels water and helps keep the stomata open.
And that's it. Remember, try doing something for yourself before you ask for help on here. I've read other people saying it before - we're not here to do your homework for you.
zinger is right. Try finding things out for yourself first before asking. Really general questions shouldn't take more than a minute to find the answers to.
well thank u but as if i didnt research before posting a question.... i just wanted to see if u guys know the answer.....hahah lol ok i will research next time
why not use the adaptation of mangroves, its ione of the most common ones
excretor or is it secretors, accumulators and the other one , cnat remember, but its ag ood one to use