Al Jazeera not in Australia :( (4 Viewers)

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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
The Logical One said:
I don't know what Bin Laden has to do with this, but an Jewish comedian known as "Sacha Baron Cohen" said; "Jews? You mean the one that like the money?" I thought that was particularly hilarious don't you?

I don't think you understand the point I was making which represents poorly of you. I said all first and second generation immigrants are likely to be of a low socio-economic income. Yet, you disagree to this? which is obviously proof of you inability to read simple graphs and reports.

Here we have a source from the United States which confirms this. Keep in mind that world-wide the majority of Immigrants from the middle east will be first or second generation. (If you want to disprove this then please try too.)
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]

Please logically use this information to make a logical judgement about why people who immigrated from another country with a different language would have harder time assimilating and thus be more likely to have a low income. If you can't do this, then I'm fair to assume that you're a racist imbecile.

Also, in a previous thread you refered to me as poor? I would like to say two things in response to that.

1. I'm relatively comfortable with my income. I would actually like to know why you would make such a poor inference about my Income based on the fact that I'm muslim actually.

2. Unlike you, I wouldn't sell my brother for a dime. (U.S equivalent of 10c)
Sacha Cohen is actually an example that jews can laugh at themselves and he himself being a jewish by ancestry and by religion. On the other hand muslims threatened to kill anyone or respond violently to anything that mock their religion or them , a perfect example is people who went on rampaging killing others and burning embassies for what? A piece of cartoon! Some people need to learn at the lighter side of life instead of responding anything they disagreed with violence.

I do know that immigrants in general will have lower economic status initially, however this general rule does not applies to muslims, no matter how long they are in a western country they are always backward and of low economic satus, perfect examples are British muslims from Pakistan and bangladesh , arab muslims from north africa and middle east in france and turks in germany and austria who were there since 1960's still they are at the bottom of social structure, compared to Indian Hindus who immigrated to England at the same time or chinese who immigrated to the west. These other groups moved on to the middle class structure while muslim communities are at the bottom, responsible for much of violence and crime in western Europe.

A bangladeshi muslim writer rightfully said
Hindus of India, the Chinese and other immigrant communities have done better because of their good work-ethics and efforts to excel in studies and careers. It is a common knowledge in the West, especially in Europe, that when Hindu parents of Indian origin remain anxious about their children’s ability to enter into a good university for studying science, engineering or medicine, many Muslim parents of the Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi descent pray that their children be obedient and go to Madrassa to receive religious education. Guess what education those muslims children received in those Madrassas while other minorities are striving to become scientists, IT professionals, doctors and engineers? These muslim students are taught and preached hate and violence and a breeding ground for terrorism. Are you surprised that London tube bombers went to study at madrassa in Pakistan before they attack London tube?

Also, in a previous thread you refered to me as poor? I would like to say two things in response to that.
3. I wouldn't want to be you. A retarded, bigotted, elitist pig. Who doesn't even portray logic or common sense.
Aryanbeauty said:
Just because you are a poor peasant stray dog on the street does not mean the elitist piggy rich are at fault. Learn to appreciate what you have and who you are instead of blaming others for your failure in life.
Hopeful said:
my obsession=your incorrect generalisation and lack of proof
I know its so hard for you to accept that you are among those community generalised as poor but hey the muslim parents and youth says so in the bulettin with news week and as a fact that many muslims live in one of the poorest suburb of Sydney called bankstown.

hotshot said:
Oh really, it has nothing to do with journalists getting paid shitloads of money to go IRaq?. So they just becase they 'love' their job? that they would do it volunteering? as if - all the journalists care about is money - just like anyone - u work for money u play for money.
I was only saying there are many journalist who are genuinely interested in their work regardless of the pay. I DID NOT said it has nothing to do with the money. Remember that not all works are done for money. That is why we still have volunteers around the world doing all sorts of work without pay.

hotshot said:
Your argument is, that the JEWS are better than the MUSLIMS! its not between fox news and al jazeera - and also u tend to bring the HOLOcaust into issue here. Its ok, i dont how its related - but noone gives a fuck about the jews anymore.
If you look back at this thread you will notice that the ones who bring in Jews, and israel etc are your muslim friends such as Martyno1, Velox and the not so logical one and I never talked about the hollocaust do a history search on my post. Don't lie again cause I heard that you can be burned in hell for that ;)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
Sacha Cohen is actually an example that jews can laugh at themselves and he himself being a jewish by ancestry and by religion. On the other hand muslims threatened to kill anyone or respond violently to anything that mock their religion or them , a perfect example is people who went on rampaging killing others and burning embassies for what? A piece of cartoon! Some people need to learn at the lighter side of life instead of responding anything they disagreed with violence.
Sacha Cohen is an example at how the world can laught at jews too. It's common knowledge that a Jew would sell his brother for a dime. I also find that rather imbecilic considering that Jews are the bigges lobbyists of anti-discrimination and their portrayal in the media. I'm also sure you yourself made a thread about anti-semitism which is proof that the jews are no better than the muslims in that they take pride in their religion. I'm sure they would be equally offended if I said that their synaquoques are actually "private jew banks" or said something equally as offensive. It's also common knowledge that many jewish people of prominent families were at one stage connected to or related to crooks who laundered and stole money. An example of an Australia Jew who laundered almost 90million dollars which he shared with his family (only 4 years ago) is Nachum Goldberg.

Basically, the majority of rich Jews are either involved in drug trafficking, sex slavery, tax evasion, counterfeiting or another legalised crime. Investment banking. My point remains though, Jews don't like jokes very well at all. I mean, look how they reacted to the holocaust, they didn't take that joke very well.

I do know that immigrants in general will have lower economic status initially, however this general rule does not applies to muslims, no matter how long they are in a western country they are always backward and of low economic satus, perfect examples are British muslims from Pakistan and bangladesh , arab muslims from north africa and middle east in france and turks in germany and austria who were there since 1960's still they are at the bottom of social structure, compared to Indian Hindus who immigrated to England at the same time or chinese who immigrated to the west. These other groups moved on to the middle class structure while muslim communities are at the bottom, responsible for much of violence and crime in western Europe.
I don't think you know of the countless jewish criminals who launder money and destroy the very countries they live in for profit. I'm also sure you've heard of the infinate ammount of stories of the russian Jewish mafia and Jewish criminals who sell children in the sex slave industry. Israel is also the center of money laundering, so I don't want to get into crime. It may be that wester european crime occurs in small numbers by the overwhelming islamic communities. But, the small and insignificant Jewish communities in Eastern Europe almost dwarf what is done by the muslims. Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Sex Slavery, etc etc.

I know its so hard for you to accept that you are among those community generalised as poor but hey the muslim parents and youth says so in the bulettin with news week and as a fact that many muslims live in one of the poorest suburb of Sydney called bankstown.
I don't know what article you read that in but I'm really comfortable (without trying to sound elitist or conceited) I have enough for anything I'll ever need. I have no intentions of bragging to you, so I'll just leave it at that. I also am not like you, Jewish Scum who would rip off my country and sell my brother for a dime.

Anyways, I'll take this time to be on my way. I hope to not have a reply from you in quite some time. (I don't expect one for a few hours, which is usually how long it takes for you scoundrels to piece together a fallacious and illogical argument.)


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
I know its so hard for you to accept that you are among those community generalised as poor but hey the muslim parents and youth says so in the bulettin with news week and as a fact that many muslims live in one of the poorest suburb of Sydney called bankstown.
omg :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

so now its "muslim parents and youth" instead of
aryan said:
Because the
"lebanese muslim youth"I quoted said it and I did not make it up like you did. I read it on the Bullettin with newsweek magazine november 14 2006 issue
that was the damn issue i was going on about
hopeful said:
but because you know your wrong you keep going on in circles about it
im just going to ignore you from now on until you lie about something else


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
Sacha Cohen is an example at how the world can laught at jews too. It's common knowledge that a Jew would sell his brother for a dime. I also find that rather imbecilic considering that Jews are the bigges lobbyists of anti-discrimination and their portrayal in the media. I'm also sure you yourself made a thread about anti-semitism which is proof that the jews are no better than the muslims in that they take pride in their religion. I'm sure they would be equally offended if I said that their synaquoques are actually "private jew banks" or said something equally as offensive. It's also common knowledge that many jewish people of prominent families were at one stage connected to or related to crooks who laundered and stole money. An example of an Australia Jew who laundered almost 90million dollars which he shared with his family (only 4 years ago) is Nachum Goldberg.

Basically, the majority of rich Jews are either involved in drug trafficking, sex slavery, tax evasion, counterfeiting or another legalised crime. Investment banking. My point remains though, Jews don't like jokes very well at all. I mean, look how they reacted to the holocaust, they didn't take that joke very well.

I don't think you know of the countless jewish criminals who launder money and destroy the very countries they live in for profit. I'm also sure you've heard of the infinate ammount of stories of the russian Jewish mafia and Jewish criminals who sell children in the sex slave industry. Israel is also the center of money laundering, so I don't want to get into crime. It may be that wester european crime occurs in small numbers by the overwhelming islamic communities. But, the small and insignificant Jewish communities in Eastern Europe almost dwarf what is done by the muslims. Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Sex Slavery, etc etc.

I don't know what article you read that in but I'm really comfortable (without trying to sound elitist or conceited) I have enough for anything I'll ever need. I have no intentions of bragging to you, so I'll just leave it at that. I also am not like you, Jewish Scum who would rip off my country and sell my brother for a dime.

Anyways, I'll take this time to be on my way. I hope to not have a reply from you in quite some time. (I don't expect one for a few hours, which is usually how long it takes for you scoundrels to piece together a fallacious and illogical argument.)
Yes the world can laugh at jews, they can also laugh at english, germans, americans, chinese every other community, nationality but when it comes to muslims the answer is always violence. Why would millions of people go on rampaging on the street for a piece of cartoon? And I am yet to see jewish people rioting over hollocaust jokes or made death threat or issue fatwa. When jokes are made on islam, some islamic mullah from some islamic countries always issue Fatwa ordering muslims to kill that person. Examples are Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasreen and Nigerian journalist Isioma Daniel when she said Prophet Muhammad would have chose one of the Miss World contestant as his wife. The result was a deadly riot by muslims in Nigeria.

Tell me where I made anti-semitic threat?

So you can find one jewish convicted of money laundering considered with thousands of muslims convicted world wide for terrorism, crime, mass murder and such which one is more evil, how many people were killed by nachum Goldberg's money laundering?

Can you give us examples where jews were involved in child sex trafficking or are you confused with pakistani, indian, bangladeshi girls married off to old arab men for the sake of their virginity and money offered to their family? Or young boys in pakistan and afghanistan married off to old men?

It is not surprising that after 3 paraghraph of accusation of jews with childsex trafficking, mafia involve ment, drug trafficking and sex slavery and telling us Israel is centre of money laundering; you don't have a single evidence or proof to support it. Cause thats what probably taught to you in those Madrassas and Mosques by hatefilled mullahs, sheikhs and muftis.

Talking about Money Laundering This news tells us something.

TWO Australian citizens suspected of sending thousands of dollars to Lebanon to help fund Hezbollah during the recent conflict with Israel are being investigated for allegedly breaching terror financing laws.
Australia's anti-money laundering regulator Austrac has identified at least five suspicious transactions involving two people after closely examining every financial transfer between Australia and Lebanon during the 57-day war.
Austrac's head of intelligence, John Visser, confirmed that an investigation was under way into a "network" suspected of providing financial assistance to the banned terror organisation, which launched more than 4000 Katyusha rockets into Israel during the conflict, killing 53 people and damaging 2000 homes.,22049,20770703-5006003,00.html

hopeful said:
so now its "muslim parents and youth" instead of
Originally Posted by aryan
Because the
"lebanese muslim youth"I quoted said it and I did not make it up like you did. I read it on the Bullettin with newsweek magazine november 14 2006 issue

that was the damn issue i was going on about
The fact remain unchanged that muslims in australia are generally poor, accept it, swallow it and keep it in your heart.


Aug 15, 2005
this thread is a wasteland and i regret creating it.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
snobby airlines said:
Yeah, any thread that involves the words arab, muslims, aryanbeauty is doomed and unproductive.
Because arab and muslim people on this board can't stand the truth exposed by Aryanbeauty and instead of making arguments against points given they always obsessed with the muslim/arab part and took offence at everything being said. Thank God there has not been any Fatwa issued against me as of today for being brutally honest.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
Yes the world can laugh at jews, they can also laugh at english, germans, americans, chinese every other community, nationality but when it comes to muslims the answer is always violence. Why would millions of people go on rampaging on the street for a piece of cartoon? And I am yet to see jewish people rioting over hollocaust jokes or made death threat or issue fatwa. When jokes are made on islam, some islamic mullah from some islamic countries always issue Fatwa ordering muslims to kill that person. Examples are Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasreen and Nigerian journalist Isioma Daniel when she said Prophet Muhammad would have chose one of the Miss World contestant as his wife. The result was a deadly riot by muslims in Nigeria.
Really? That's messed up. I bet he would have chosen one of them to be his wife. With her fahers and her consent ofcourse. It's well documented that Muhammad (PBUH) loved women. That isn't a crime last time I checked, now is it? The reaction may have been excessive but I've seen equally large reactions of Jews to such racism. Jews had a field day when a great person and actor Mel Gibson had a Anti-Jewish tirade and is an example of those big-nosed imbeciles being equally as defensive. They may not be the only one's demanding Fatwa I've seen the same and worse being dealt by Israeli-Jews and Russian Jews.

Tzipi Livini said:
JERUSALEM (July 10) - Legislation against money laundering will be brought soon before the Knesset, Tzipi Livni, chairwoman of the Knesset subcommittee on money laundering, said yesterday.
"Using the banking system, Israel has become a green house for organized crime," she said.
I also can find thousands of innocent who died for standing up to Israel, these actions are generally praised by the Jewish communities. Therefore, It's fair to say that those who justify murder are equally responsible.

The Jerusalem Post said:
JERUSALEM (June 23) - Israel is one of the 15 most likely centers for money laundering, the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, an international body established by the G-7, said yesterday.
Internal Security Ministry spokesman Moshe Debi stated that the Justice Ministry is already preparing legislation to fight the phenomenon. "We are working together with the Justice Ministry, Bank of Israel, Israel Police and the Customs Authority," he said. "As long as there is no legislation we can't take action."

Livni acknowledged that "dirty money" has come into the country using legal means. "Depositing money is legal; the problem is that the money is from criminal actions and we must stop that," she added.

Reuters said:
Can you give us examples where jews were involved in child sex trafficking
It is not surprising that after 3 paraghraph of accusation of jews with childsex
Talking about Money Laundering This news tells us something.

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian police suspect an Israeli diplomat of hosting child prostitution sessions after finding pictures of nude teen-age girls taken at his apartment, police said Wednesday.

Police began a hunt for Israel's administration consul to Rio de Janeiro, Arie Scher, Tuesday and the Israeli government said it was recalling the middle-ranking diplomat to investigate whether he was innocent or guilty.

Following a young girl's testimony, police arrested a Hebrew teacher at his home early Tuesday where they found pictures of nude girls taken in the diplomat's apartment. In other photos, where everybody was fully dressed, Scher appeared embracing the same girls.

"We confirmed that the pornographic pictures were taken next to the consul's pool and on his deck," said Roberto Costa, a chief investigator for the civil police. "We are going to charge him with exploiting minors and prostituting them."

Police believe Scher is hiding out in the Israeli Consulate in Rio.

Foreign Minister David Levy told Israel's Army Radio, "I don't know if he is guilty, if he is innocent. The first thing is we need to bring him home and an investigation has to be conducted."

December 6) CHICAGO (JTA) - Members of Chicago's Jewish community are expressing shock and dismay about the arrest of a former synagogue cantor and his wife of a few weeks.
The two were charged in connection with a prostitution ring. Joel Gordon, 51, who has served at several Chicago-area synagogues, was charged November 21 with keeping a house of prostitution following a police raid on three massage parlors, operated out of private apartments in the northern suburbs.

His wife, Alison Ginsberg, 23, was charged with prostitution and keeping a house of prostitution
I can go on, and on. But, I don't want to waste my time. Jewish terrorism occurs too and is among the most villainous I have read about. eg(Killing a young boy and saying, "this kid is a future terrorist.")

For no reason whatsoever. I also would like to remind you of the 1000's whose lives were destroyed because of the Israeli, Jewish government who are scum.

The fact remain unchanged that muslims in australia are generally poor, accept it, swallow it and keep it in your heart.
All first and second generation Immigrants are generally poor. It's a known fact and is a trend seen in all modern societies internationally. If you can't speak the language or come from a family which does not or can not find a Job because of language barriers you're going to be worse off. (This isn't the case with many but we're speaking generally.)

An example is many Lebanese Immigrants who came and worked as labourers in the 1960's many as minors and other labour have now been promoted to foremen and site supervisors. Also, many prominent lebanese people are in business and government and slowly they're becoming a richer group. It's an imbecilic statement to assume all immigrants of one particular group are "poor" based on the socio-economic status of first and second generation immigrants. But, you wouldn't understand that being incoherent and such.


oh hi
Feb 24, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
If you look back at this thread you will notice that the ones who bring in Jews, and israel etc are your muslim friends such as Martyno1, Velox and the not so logical one and I never talked about the hollocaust do a history search on my post. Don't lie again cause I heard that you can be burned in hell for that ;)

Aryanbeauty said:
What is Israeli news channel and how is it bad? or is it another assumption pulled out of your hairy ass once again? Oh you are mocking my grammar yet you made so many spelling mistake as if you were perfect. Pointing out other people's weakness in language in a debate or discussion means you are already losing your point and have nothing to say other than talking about grammar, spelling etc.
The rest of your post was bullshit that has been argued by many other people so I won't bother. Please, though, tell me where these 'mistake' are?

politik said:
Please don't start with that 'America is the terrorist' bullshit.
Incase you couldn't tell, that flag in his SIGNATURE is Israeli, not American. :sleep:


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
Really? That's messed up. I bet he would have chosen one of them to be his wife. With her fahers and her consent ofcourse. It's well documented that Muhammad (PBUH) loved women. That isn't a crime last time I checked, now is it? The reaction may have been excessive but I've seen equally large reactions of Jews to such racism. Jews had a field day when a great person and actor Mel Gibson had a Anti-Jewish tirade and is an example of those big-nosed imbeciles being equally as defensive. They may not be the only one's demanding Fatwa I've seen the same and worse being dealt by Israeli-Jews and Russian Jews.
Why don't you ask your fellow muslims whether it is a crime for Muhammad to love and marry Miss World contestants is a crime or not, since they are the one who riot over the contest causing the death of 100 and injured 500. Did jews riot over mel-Gibson's comment? See the the stark difference how jews and muslims reacted. Jews reacted by peaceful means while muslims for the tiniest matter always go on to KILLING or other form of violence and threat. And yes tell us what those israeli-jews and russian-jews have done, enlighten us.

I also can find thousands of innocent who died for standing up to Israel, these actions are generally praised by the Jewish communities. Therefore, It's fair to say that those who justify murder are equally responsible.
Ha ha Palestine once again, after starting 3 wars and 2 intifada and losing all wars the only thing you can say is the victims are innocent. Victims of islamic terrorism world wide is unfathomable and that is why the world at large hate islam so much that in almost every country they are now beginning to be discriminated upon. Ask yourself why does almost all countries of the world have problems with muslims?

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian police suspect an Israeli diplomat of hosting child prostitution sessions after finding pictures of nude teen-age girls taken at his apartment, police said Wednesday.

Police began a hunt for Israel's administration consul to Rio de Janeiro, Arie Scher, Tuesday and the Israeli government said it was recalling the middle-ranking diplomat to investigate whether he was innocent or guilty.
You claimed that the majority of rich Jews are either involved in drug trafficking, sex slavery, tax evasion, counterfeiting or another legalised crime. Investment banking on such a scale in Eastern Europe yet you can't provide a single evidence of this happening in Eastern Europe and give us a single incident in brazil and another incident in USA in all, 3 people considering the number of prostitutions across the world 3 jews prostitution pimp thats very impressive. Regarding money laundering, moneys are laundered where there are lax laws on money laundering and the message you posted in no ways said jews are involved. Luxembourg, bahamas, nauru, russia are all haven for money laundering not because people in these countries launder money its because they have strict privacy in banking system and lax rules in money transfer system. But I do not think you understand international finance and banking system so I will not go on in depth. Since when investment banking is a crime? Without investment banking no country can have development, for your information.

dead link

I can go on, and on. But, I don't want to waste my time. Jewish terrorism occurs too and is among the most villainous I have read about. eg(Killing a young boy and saying, "this kid is a future terrorist.")

For no reason whatsoever. I also would like to remind you of the 1000's whose lives were destroyed because of the Israeli, Jewish government who are scum
. As Doctors rightly said prevention is better than cure, if it is 100% known that that boy is going to be a terrorist, kill him at all cost without any sympathy. Having said that, I would like to point out that you just pulled out garbage out of your arse. There was never an incident in which a boy was killed and said "this kid is a future terrorist" Typical lies spread in mosques by hate filled islamic mullahs and muftis probably sheikh Hilaly.

All first and second generation Immigrants are generally poor. It's a known fact and is a trend seen in all modern societies internationally. If you can't speak the language or come from a family which does not or can not find a Job because of language barriers you're going to be worse off. (This isn't the case with many but we're speaking generally.)

An example is many Lebanese Immigrants who came and worked as labourers in the 1960's many as minors and other labour have now been promoted to foremen and site supervisors. Also, many prominent lebanese people are in business and government and slowly they're becoming a richer group. It's an imbecilic statement to assume all immigrants of one particular group are "poor" based on the socio-economic status of first and second generation immigrants. But, you wouldn't understand that being incoherent and such.
Yes it is true that most immigrants are generally poor and most move up to the social hierarchy by working harder than others who already settled in. It would be incorrect to say all muslims or lebanese are poor but in general they are POOR. Is that so hard to accept?
Marty said:
Please, though, tell me where these 'mistake' are?
I don't have time to look allover your post trying to find spelling mistake as it contribute nothing to help my point of view but here it is. Remember, grammar and spellings are irrelevant in debates.
Al Jazeera is a good channel. It's probably the most advnced news channel all over the world, maybe after BBC world. It's not controlled by a government.
Now go back to that post and edit the spelling quickly before others can see :D
Incase you couldn't tell, that flag in his SIGNATURE is Israeli, not American
The flag is directed at jew haters like you and the ship is USS Reagan , the latest US Navy aircraft carrier directed at Anti-Americans to let them know that USA is here to stay and rule the world whether you like it or not.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
As Doctors rightly said prevention is better than cure, if it is 100% known that that boy is going to be a terrorist, kill him at all cost without any sympathy.
Did you just try to justify killing a young child?
You need to be exterminated, like the pestulent, virulent, infection that you are.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
brogan77 said:
Oh wtf, I always thought Aryan Beauty was some hot, blonde, buxom, female neo nazi :(

My whole life I've been living a lie. :(
Hey, I prefer that the white man was incharge rather than the big-nosed man was in charge. It's a true story. The big-nosed man controls the though.

Lol, no he's just a racist, bigoted, imbecilic, ugly, Jew.

But, I can see the picture you painted, totally bangable. In a weird sadistic, OMG she's stepping on me with heels type of way.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
Did you just try to justify killing a young child?
You need to be exterminated, like the pestulent, virulent, infection that you are.
Yes the killing of a non existing young child is justified because it did not happen, however your lies are not justified . There was no such killing of a child in which IDF said "this kid is a future terrorist" That is the kind of lies and rumours passed around islamic community by hatefilled preachers like you without no evidence to drum up your hatred against others.

Hey, I prefer that the white man was incharge rather than the big-nosed man was in charge
An arab failed to see his own big nose once again!


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Feel free to use report bad post where you feel my post violated the rules, instead of using multiple ID to drum up your own posts.


oh hi
Feb 24, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
I don't have time to look allover your post trying to find spelling mistake as it contribute nothing to help my point of view but here it is. Remember, grammar and spellings are irrelevant in debates.
So I guess if I was writing a story about people people debating, I can use bad spelling and bad grammar whilst they are debating?

Aryanbeauty said:
Now go back to that post and edit the spelling quickly before others can see :D
That mistake wasn't even in that post, and you quoted THAT post telling me about my 'spelling mistake'.

Aryanbeauty said:
The flag is directed at jew haters like you and the ship is USS Reagan , the latest US Navy aircraft carrier directed at Anti-Americans to let them know that USA is here to stay and rule the world whether you like it or not.
I'm not a Jew hater, I'm an Israeli government hater. There is a difference. One of my best friends is Jewish. Plus, I don't care about the United States, they can do as they please as long as they're not killing almost every Arab they can see with an excuse like the Israeli government does.

By the way, why do Jews get automated pedestrian crossing without pressing the button (LOL) because it's against their religion to 'work' on the Sabbath? Isn't that changing something for less than 0.4% of the population? I'm sure >99% of the population don't mind pressing the button, and MORE than 99% of the population will get bloody annoyed when they're driving (/in a hurry) and there's a green light letting people cross the road when there's nobody there!
Last edited:


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Martyno1 said:
So I guess if I was writing a story about people people debating, I can use bad spelling and bad grammar whilst they are debating?

That mistake wasn't even in that post, and you quoted THAT post telling me about my 'spelling mistake'.
So this is not your post? Your post was quoted to let you know that everyone makes spelling mistake and there's no need to rave about it.

It's best to use the correct spelling and grammar if you can however critisizing others grammar and spelling does not help your cause, it only shows you run out of argument, have nothing else to say, and acted in desperation and start critisizing other people's gammar and spelling in a hope that people might think you are very clever by pointing out those mistakes! :rofl:

I'm not a Jew hater, I'm an Israeli government hater. There is a difference. One of my best friends is Jewish. Plus, I don't care about the United States, they can do as they please as long as they're not killing almost every Arab they can see with an excuse like the Israeli government does.
Your post speak for itself, and more arabs are killed by their fellow arabs than Israel killed arab terrorists. Such as the assassination of Pierre Gemayel or last fridays killing of 200+ iraqis by suicide bombers in Iraq.

By the way, why do Jews get automated pedestrian crossing without pressing the button (LOL) because it's against their religion to 'work' on the Sabbath? Isn't that changing something for less than 0.4% of the population? I'm sure >99% of the population don't mind pressing the button, and MORE than 99% of the population will get bloody annoyed when they're driving (/in a hurry) and there's a green light letting people cross the road when there's nobody there!
Maybe because jews are important and you are not!


Dance jew dance!!!
Aug 3, 2004
shut up kike, you bullshiting kabbalah motherfucker
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