almost-20yrold hs dropout is unmotivated & terrified; rants about life. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 24, 2017
okay. so, i dont even know if any of this is even relevant here,

but basically a whole bunch of stuff happened in my head, coz teenagers are melodramatic, n I stopped attending school - went totally cold-turkey - around 1/2way thru the 12th grade. i got all that "sorted", rpted, freaked out, dropped out for good.
as we know, centrelink doesnt pay u unless ur doing something worthy with ur time. i've never had a job. never acquired any kind of education outside of hs. the thought of having to actually do either of those things fills me with a childlike terror. major peter pan complex is at play here.

i dont read books, i cant make it thru a page. i have no set of skills outside of.. running away from things. n we're kinda broke n im completely useless n they (centrelink) sent me to like, a job agency or something n i have to do a music tafe course but i suck at everything n i cant make myself go to the appointments n im disappointing everyone again n i cant seem to get my life together.

i dont want to do anything. i wanna run somewhere, find a nice damp, secluded forest, build myself a home n teach myself how to hunt for food. if we were financially stable id be fine to just mooch off of my mother but we're not & who is these days, everyone's always broke or overpayed & if u exist in this world u've gotta be doing something.
dont worry, i know how this sounds, i dont wanna die, i like life - life is gr8. i jst, kinda want a different one. or, no, same life, different circumstances. i dunno. im stressing out, coz i've got that feeling in my toes,like i wanna go somewhere else. im lazy. helplessly, pathetically, lazy. attention? advice? anything anyone wants to throw my way, thatd be great. what is the cure to a complete disinterest in anything that would involve me contributing to society? im running out of free passes. sorry about this, this kinda thing probably belongs in a reddit forum somewhere.

thanks for reading, if u read. im sure things will be fine, its not the first time i've flaked out n it wont be the last. if i do, that is; bail. hahaha, god help me. alright. cya :headbang:


I complete the Squar3
Sep 11, 2011
My bathtub
Everyone has to work, whether they like it or not. You're right that Centrelink is not gonna pay you to sit on your ass all day just because you can't be bothered putting in the effort. Even if they did give you money it probably wouldn't be enough to get by. You have to find something you like to do.

I think you should talk to a therapist at this point in time it seems you need to gather your thoughts and work out why you lack commitment.

There are many jobs e.g trades, defence force that don't require you to do heavy amounts of reading, it's more hands on. But it's not going to help you unless you're committed to work hard.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
OP, what are you interested in? What can you see yourself doing careerwise in the future?


Active Member
Apr 14, 2015
Not everyone likes to work for money either - that's just how our society work.

I guess something you could simply do first is start selling some stuff you have you don't use anymore from your house - having a nifty yard sale can help you acquire some temporary funds in the bank for now, and give you taste of an actual job. You could also visit friend's house and offer to do some chores at their house, what not.

I think for now you should just either do some vocational training in TAFE or start doing part-time sales job. It may be crummy, but once you actually intergrate a routine in your life it stops feeling shitty. I think right now you're just going through the habit of not doing anything and the thought of doing something stresses you out. If you force yourself to get yourself into a habit - it'll become more easier.

I guess once you saved enough money, you can buy the cabin in the woods that you wanted. No forest dweller has ever had the comfort to live without doing any hardwork - and hunting is a rigarous chore, it ain't as easy as you think it is.


Feb 11, 2016
Hey there!

I think everyone has been through this situation before. The stage where you are not motivated to do anything will persist until you do something or you experience some event that will jolt you to action. From experience, one way to get out of this period of inaction is to read some good books. Feel free to PM me if you'd like some book recommendations. Whilst I realise that just starting out to read is extremely hard when reading is not a habit, but you should try anyways. Even 5 pages a day will be good enough. Just because something is hard doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Life is not about avoiding suffering. The beauty of life comes from striving. A life without suffering is like painting a tiger without its stripes.

I feel like this will help: I've written that post for students who are struggling with procrastination, however the ideas in there are also applicable in real life because we procrastinate in all areas of our lives, whether we are slacking off from studying or slacking off from advancing in our life.

If you look around you, the man-made stuff you see, the technology you use, the home you're living in were made by people like you and me. Those people are no different from us. We are all human. Sure, you can argue that people have different cognitive abilities. However what years and years of research will show you is that success comes from hardwork. It's the people who are willing to work hard that achieve great things. This is also apparent in schooling. The students that work hard and have the extra persistence get great marks. As Newton puts it “If I am anything, which I highly doubt, I have made myself so by hard work."


Active Member
Oct 29, 2008
okay. so, i dont even know if any of this is even relevant here,

but basically a whole bunch of stuff happened in my head, coz teenagers are melodramatic, n I stopped attending school - went totally cold-turkey - around 1/2way thru the 12th grade. i got all that "sorted", rpted, freaked out, dropped out for good.
as we know, centrelink doesnt pay u unless ur doing something worthy with ur time. i've never had a job. never acquired any kind of education outside of hs. the thought of having to actually do either of those things fills me with a childlike terror. major peter pan complex is at play here.

i dont read books, i cant make it thru a page. i have no set of skills outside of.. running away from things. n we're kinda broke n im completely useless n they (centrelink) sent me to like, a job agency or something n i have to do a music tafe course but i suck at everything n i cant make myself go to the appointments n im disappointing everyone again n i cant seem to get my life together.

i dont want to do anything. i wanna run somewhere, find a nice damp, secluded forest, build myself a home n teach myself how to hunt for food. if we were financially stable id be fine to just mooch off of my mother but we're not & who is these days, everyone's always broke or overpayed & if u exist in this world u've gotta be doing something.
dont worry, i know how this sounds, i dont wanna die, i like life - life is gr8. i jst, kinda want a different one. or, no, same life, different circumstances. i dunno. im stressing out, coz i've got that feeling in my toes,like i wanna go somewhere else. im lazy. helplessly, pathetically, lazy. attention? advice? anything anyone wants to throw my way, thatd be great. what is the cure to a complete disinterest in anything that would involve me contributing to society? im running out of free passes. sorry about this, this kinda thing probably belongs in a reddit forum somewhere.

thanks for reading, if u read. im sure things will be fine, its not the first time i've flaked out n it wont be the last. if i do, that is; bail. hahaha, god help me. alright. cya :headbang:
Hi Tempacc,

If I was you I would try to speak to a counsellor/careers advisor at TAFE as they would be able to look at your interests and find the best course to suit you (they will probably ask a few questions- try to answer as best you can). They would also be able to help in terms of job preparation and motivational strategies and maybe attend with you and follow up to see that you are regularly attending (to help overcome the laziness and lack of motivation).

From reading the above some things that stare out at me are that you are scared you are going to fail and that you are a burden (let me tell you, you are not a failure or a burden; everyone is going to fail at something in life- heck we are not perfect; and it would be a pretty dull world if we all were perfect).

In terms of the finance situation, Centrelink can give certain hardship or medical grants if you are eligible or if you are still struggling try talking to the Samaritans, Lifeline, etc (as they can provide food, food/petrol vouchers, and basic necessities).

Also, it seems that you are type of hands on person (correct me if I am wrong) as you mention that you would build a home- there are courses that can teach you those sort of things if you are interested and don't require large amounts of reading (plus you can get assistance from tutors in regards to reading and maths).

Furthermore, it is never too late to learn something and get your life together. Just the other day I read and article that a 95 year old lady graduated from college. Hence, do not compare yourself to others, life is not a competition. There will certainly be ups and downs at times but things will get better and remember that there is always someone else worse off than you out there in the world!

Take care and all the best! :)

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