I've applied for subway fast food joints everything but so far no replies sighs..
Have you looked at this website? It is quite good:
A few points to note from the link:
- the vast majority of jobs are never advertised
- to maximise your chance of success, partake in "strategical door-to-door visits, 2-3 hours at a time, in suburbs that have a large number of retail outlets" ( it gives suggestions)
- combine door-to-door visits with online applications
Ok so the link I gave you gives a large number of generic online applications you can do. Definitely try the Aldi site. When you do these, don't spend too much time on it. Give yourself a goal of how many applications you will send out in, say an hour or so, to ensure you maximise your productivity and don't get too discouraged. When you go round handing out your resume, smile at them and be confident.
Having a resume that is only 1 page is OK if you're not leaving anything out, but if there's important stuff that you're cutting out I'd say give yourself a maximum of 2 pages to work with.
Overall, my advice would be not to get too discouraged. Rather than taking it personally, be STRATEGIC and maximise how many businesses have your resume. It may not be the best time of year, but there will always be places looking for new staff ( especially fast-food places with high staff turnover rates)
Good luck!