serious said:
his is vastly different to the Iran scenario
where they either
a) do a first launch and send a weopon to Israel, killing millions and milions of people, Israel would retaliate, creating a 2 big fucking craters in the middle east
Iran is not going to launch a nuclear first strike, this is not rational. It may be a theocracy however its behaviour can still be predicted under a general realist paradigm. There is no motivation for a snap nuclear first strike and no potential trigger eg a tense face-to-face territorial dispute eg N.Korea v. S.Korea or Taiwan.
b) Should America invade[ highly unlikely] a tactical nuke would be used against the invading force, killing maybe 500 000 people, effectively destroying Americas land dominance and forcing them to retaliate, Tehran would be leveled
This is the beauty though, if Iran can succede in getting nuclear weapons then America's chances of invading go drastically down, this is a brilliant motivation to get nukes.
As far as killing 500,000 this is a
highy unlikely figure for several reasons:
*The invading force is unlikely to be 500,000 strong,
*However strong it is it would be dispersed and thus multiple nuclear strikes would be needed to even approach destroying large chunks of them (the best way to do this being to target the force prior to invasion which is politically untenable and practically impossible due to patriot batteries and aegis cruisers protecting the staging positions.
If however Iran did use a nuke it is unlikley US retaliation would be nuclear (or if it was it would be tactical nukes), the reason again being Irans nuke shortage - were they to posses a nuke stockpile or continue to present a credible threat then yes the US would nuke them right back however it would be more cost-effective and play better in the press for the US to use conventional weaponary and own the fuck out of them.
c) Either Iran[fixed for davin] directly launches a nuke or hands it over to terrorists to attack America, this would be really fucking bad for Australia.
Terrorists might ask Iran for nukes, but Iran has no real motivation to provide them. They are quite expensive and it is hardly in Irans interest to have terrorist nukes going off because Iran would be retaliated against. Also see reasons why they wouldn't first strike.
These 3 scenarios are pretty damn bad, which is why i beleive America would prefer to do a bombing run or even a full blown invasion to prevent shit getting blown up
It is certaily a tense time however the US is going to be wary of a first strike, conventional or otherwise, against Iran because it would do several things not in their interest:
*Isolate Iran and make 'her' more unpredictable
*Force others to redouble their efforts to attain nukes
*Iran would strike back with any nukes that were missed
*Iran would strike back via terrorist proxies
*It would provoke shia insurgents in Iraq
*Iran could even invade Iraq in retaliation which would put already over stretched US forces in a precarious position they would face a well trained and equipped highly motivated force supported by the existing insurgency and elements of the Iraqi govt would certainly sympathise.